
Grandson, not grandfather

The Reality Show house was actually a recurring sketch. They did it with Chris Hemsworth.

If Flash is going to 2024 next episode as said in the promo, maybe the reason he vanishes (as seen in the news clipping) is because he becomes Savitar.

There are several, yes.

Yeah, exactly right. We've all grown.

It's "would have"

Right, that one too!

It wasn't Tyrell's first physical appearance of the season; he appeared in the future fantasy sequence weeks ago.

Really, Franzen? Too good for Oprah but Jeopardy! totally fits your sophisticated tastes?

Mike Carey wrote Lucifer, not Neil Gaiman.

That's what I meant. It's still uncouth.

So when Hulk Hogan's sex tape leaks it's just "honestly pretty gross", but when JLaw or Vanessa Hudgen's nudes leak, it's a horrifying invasion of their privacy?

I've really enjoyed Kot's new series "Material". Not for everyone, very heavy philosophical stuff, but great.

No, I like the film.

This article is a fantastic journey into the heart of human darkness.

Terrific review, really gets at what I didn't like about the episode.

Still, any of those 5 cops (and Bill) should've thought to go to Fangtasia it's so obvious

How is Fangtasia not the first fucking place you look for vampires?