
I absolutely know this is NOT a solution, but I was wondering if there would be penalties for someone from Alabama to go to a different state? No I’m NOT bringing this up as any kind of solution, just trying to understand how far the reach goes. like could a doctor go to Vermont and then come back, could they arrest

Titus having to do multiple timelines:

I’ve had zero problem eating a 6 egg omelet and I’m a fairly thin woman in her 30s. 

Ivankas road to empowerment:

I’m not offended-I’m just legitimately not understanding why someone would devote so much energy to caring about and judging what someone wears when it has zero effect on their life. 

Amazed by the number of commenters offending by pajamas in public. Why do you even care? Mind your own business.  I work at a college and never even notice what students or parents wear. I just do my damn job. 

Why the f do you care? 

So so so enjoyable. 

I 100% agree with Tim Gunn and want to go to Red Lobster with him and Andre.  Speaking of, where’s Andre? (One of the finest few moments in reality tv history)

I agree but it’s also telling how many I assumed are illegal but are not. They are unethical, but once you have someone in power completely uninterested in being ethical, it makes the vulnerabilities clear 

I can guarantee there are tons of people in prison that were too dumb to realize what they did was a crime. 

I think what this all has taught me is how freaking weak our institutions really are. So many things that seem illegal, aren’t, and I guess having a completely unethical person in charge has really shown how easy it is to manipulate the entire system. 

Weirdly DiSantis has done some very unexpected things when it comes to the environment in Florida. Issues like offshore drilling, lake ocochobbee, and the green algae transcend political affiliation.  I would think this would be a no go in Florida, considering it would affect some very wealthy people. 

This is so horrible, but damn that’s a cute dog. 

There was also a design for other contestants moms one that was awfully mean. 

They are on a date at the Red Lobster!

I remember a long time ago several of the designers actually making their models cry because they were plus sized. If you can’t dress a plus size woman, then you shouldn’t be a designer- that’s on you. Also, Siriano is the best thing to come out of Project Runway- (ok aside from Tin Gunn and Santinos hilarious

Ok so I have herpes. I had a single breakout ten years ago that was almost negligible. The only reason I even was tested was it was follow up to an STD test for a rape. I’ve been married 7 years and my husband has never had a single symptom. Maybe take the hysteria down a notch. 

I literally paid $100 to get a test without insurance via a telemedicine company..... 

I made the same comment. I giggled.