
Does anyone else feel completely at a loss as to why everyone is saying these kids didn’t do anything? I honestly cannot understand why any of the “context” is exonerating. 

This is so maddening. Why does this longer video change the facts?? The students behaved badly- the chaperones should’ve gotten them out of the situation or told them not to engage with hecklers calling them names. From the beginning here I. Kentucky people have been bending over backwards to defend these kids. I have

I don’t understand why this is happening? Nothing in the longer video made me think this kid wasn’t terrible. Also, if you to a right to life march in maga gear, people will heckle you. If the chaperones did not equip these kids to deal with this, they are also culpable. All of this is terrible and I fail to see how

Uhhhh. What? I’m pretty sure you’re missing the point......

Seriously, I will rant on basically any topic, no matter how inconsequential. It’s my hobby. lol just ask my husband. 

I love ranting. And I love this rant. I think ranting about things that don’t matter much is my super power. I want to rant with Jamie Leigh Curtis. 

Aren’t they lonely?! Do they need snuggles?! 

I have a feeling this will go no where if only because limiting internet acccess (excluding illegal sites) goes against the idea of open access to all information that is a huge part of college internet usage. I work at. College and no internet is monitored or blocked due to this philosophy. Literally the policy I

The wall is coming from inside the house!! 

Let’s ask this scientician! 

Are we really making the argument that only specifically useful things directly correlated to work should be taught? Um, this is the same argument that conservatives make against liberal arts in general. There are benefits to learning cursive just as there are benefits to learning art or music- this is a very

According to the comments on the NPR article, Merry Christmas is unsayable. 

I’ve literally always just called them gingerbread cookies. Wtf. 

For some reason I can’t see embedded Instagram posts here so I googled the event to see the pics and somehow ended up on the daily mail. There copy is... bizarre. This is my favorite bit: “Lara and Eric Trump stood side-by-side for a sweet snap in front of a holiday shrub, wearing coordinating red attire. Donald Trump

Seriously. I mean she always looks #basic, but wears things if I saw someone wear at my college workplace I’d think looks good. But this is perplexing. 

Is this this years Fyre Festival?

What in the Laura Ashley in Ivanka wearing?

Haha I literally just posted the same thing! 

How much will I cry though? Like are we talking Moana or Coco level?

So, is there a joke in there? Because I don’t see if. Also, let’s not just make homophobic jokes, let’s joke about child abuse? . Ugh.