
So like step 1. Destroy democracy

I cerebrally understand, but he is just always been so viscerally disgusting to me I just can’t get the appeal at all. 

Seriously. The one upping is the worst too. Like you say “man I’m tired today!” And they say “omg try having a two year old!” My sister is the worst for this and it makes me want to scream. 

I can understand the appeal of a lot of things I hate, but I will never understand why people fall all over themselves for Trump. I’ve always hated him and thought it was known he was just a joke of a person. He also constantly insults people, yet they clamor for more. He isn’t eloquent, folksy, charming, or

God it’s so true. And it’s often in reference to being tired or busy. 

I have a Sparks (or as we called it “sparkys) story! When I was in grad school I was super hungover and headed into work at 8 am. (This was when Sparks was brand new) I stopped a 7/11 and grabbed what I thought was an energy drink and got into my car and drove to work- enjoying this new type of energy drink. After

It’s freaks me out that I literally thought that was trump and Melania in the picture for a second. It’s insane how they look similar in such an obvious way. 

So people are supposed to vote to allow those that aren’t white be part of America? What? This is one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever heard. Seriously this sounds like something someone would say at Klan rally in 1962. 

I can’t believe this shit has become so mainstream. The whole demographic thing has been a thing for evangelicals a long time- especially those encouraging women to have tons of babies. But I can’t believe someone on a heavily watched tv show is literally saying that America is getting worse because it isn’t as white.

It’s just so crazy. I mean, prescriptions are a large portion of what people need! My insurance is good, but did decline to cover physical therapy and insisted I look into surgical options. I mean, that makes zero sense in that surgery could lead to significantly more expensive problems in the long run. Like isn’t it

What do the these plans cover? Why would insurance not cover prescriptions? So it would be like “ok here is what you have but your insurance won’t cover the drugs that will help it?”

Although Cheddar is proud he made the cut, Finnegan has some concerns. (Guess which is cheddar lol)?

I could not agree more!

I grew up on a farm and chickens are disgusting   I cannot even eat them. They are loud and stinky and mean. Also, roosters are terrible.  People think it’s so pastoral- a rooster crowing once to welcome the sun! Fuck that.  These roosters would hang out in my window and crow every ten minutes starting at 5 am.  My

This was the gif that was literally playing in my mind. Because my mind is basically a gif. 

Ok so I just read the description. Heart eyes all the way. 

Omg I love this man. 

This genre can not be discussed without reference to the treasure that is Chuck Tingle

As s fellow cheese lover, this is relevant but also the cutest gif I’ve seen. 

Why is gender required for a passport?