
Yes! I totally agree.

I love you ladies so much. After cenobites lost, I was afraid we would have to break up, but you have redeemed yourself!!!

Omg Rosie O’Donnell is EXACTLY like my mom with my sister. It’s so sad because she’s so hurt but only lashes out. I feel bad for any siblings because it’s a shitty place to be.

True, but they still seem way too similar... I’ve still not gotten over cenobites being gone!

Isn’t a siren really close to a mermaid?!

This is why democrats don’t win elections. With the partisan environment being what it is, the only way to win in to vote straight D. Republicans, no matter what, will vote R, that’s why they win. Is it a great system? Hell no- but at this point shit is so dire expecting perfection will doom us all. She clearly

I love him so much it makes me reconsider having children.

I don’t know if anyone is watching the new American Horror Story, but they are bringing the real ness about people that just “couldn’t” vote for Hillary. I’m honestly surprised Trump hasn’t tweeted about the show.

This is a job- not a court of law.

I will forever maintain San Junipero is the best piece of television I have ever seen.

Nothing pisses me off more than suspension with pay. Great! A person screws up and they get a paid vacation! So frustrating.

NOt gonna lie. I’m very emotionally invested in this.

Cmon harpy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was settled that Michael Douglas’s character was the real villain.

You are a genius!!!!

Me too. I also love how they always claim their dicks are like 11 inches or something. Sure, dude, sure.

good man. I’m glad you were raised well!

What is it with guys and dick pics? It’s like their go to move. Even if I’m having a sassy chat, my instinct would never be to send a picture of ny genitalia. And wtf a high school student? So so so gross.

Literally everyone in this administration looks like the bad guys from the Exorcist tv show.

Omg. I mean cyborg? Ohhh I have silver eyeshadow! Ugh so boring!