Ummm that’s an idea I could get behind....
Ummm that’s an idea I could get behind....
I think many people that do pose with animals like this would consider themselves animal lovers- I just wish people would think a little deeper.
I see your point, but I also think it’s pretty obvious to anyone that cares about animals that these tiger experiences are terrible- as bad as swim with the dolphins
As much as people hate PETA, these places that let you take pictures with tigers are INCREDIBLY horrible. Many claim to be rescued, but breed their animals to use them for revenue. It’s really really sad and gross and disrespectful to these animals.
But this happens all the time. A major release of many films have been stopped or delayed due to events.
I undrrstand your point, but it’s still a very bad idea in my opinion.
That’s a much more interesting alternative history. What a compelling thought!
Words cannot express how horribly bad of an idea this show is right now. I mean, these are smart people- do they lack any sense?
America is over. Seriously I’ve lost all hope. I’m such a Debbie downer now, but these gopers will continue to win. :( and all will be bad.
Poor turtles :(
I do understand from a purely factual way, but it is still so foreign to me. Why do this to yourself when you don’t have to?!
I cerebrally do understand that- but it’s so so stupid to me that no money is ever enough. They could do whatever they want, and they certainly aren’t getting any younger. A younger man I guess I could see, but cmon dudes! Enjoy your older years being rich! What joyless assholes.
I know! It would be amazing. I’m in the Midwest but I would definitely road trip to that! Like an immersive horror hotel experience!
I feel like this is the set of a rob zombie movie. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t buy it and make it some scary attraction. Omg that’s actually my new business plan!
What about being a Shark with lasers?! Or a spider shark? Amazing.
omg is this reality?
Damn right!
I like your style!
I would be a much better rich person. I would mostly spend my money on rescue kittens and puppies.
So true. It’s so so stupid.