
Can anyone explain this to me bc I keep seeing it on right wing social media posts and is makes no sense. So he’s being hunted by witches? Wtf. I need booze. It’s not only wrong, but also spectacularly stupid

Hannity is so so bizarre. I was stuck in a car recently with someone and was forced to listen to an hour of his show. I think I’m actually dumber. It was the strangest experience of my life- he’s so so unhinged.

Man these guys are forgetful. I guess forgetting breaking the law is a defense now? I knew ignorance of the law was now a defense, but I guess so is veung forgetful. Good to know!

Wait, are play pens bad now? How does anyone get anything done at home alone with a baby???

Not only is this incredibly disrespectful and offensive, it’s also spectacularly stupid. How does having an invincible army play any part in preventing another atrocity? I don’t even know anymore.  

I know people must do, but not a single one of my friends with kids eats a family dinner. It’s exceptionally difficult with teens, as schedules are insane.

Jessica McClintock forever!

The little calico looks like my Luna

Omg they are so stupid cute. Can I come over and snuggle with them!!!!!????

I guess I always think of them printing crazy shit like bat boy or big foot. Guess they’ve changed a lot.

true- but I’d say that was a case of it only being a matter of time before he got caught. Even if the story was broken by the national enquirer- his problems went way beyond that

I can’t understand how an unflattering story from the freaking National Enquirer is any kind of threat... I mean, what the heck would care about anything they print!!

The idea that health care would ever be fixed by free market capitalism is so misguided. If you’re walking down the street and fall and break your leg it’s not like you can take the time to price out hospitals and compare and choose the best deal. You go to the closest because it’s an emergency- the free market

Judging by all the moms constantly posting about this in Facebook, it will make all the money. And being a mom must be a total drag.

Is this not exactly like something Kim jung un or Idi Amin or another despotic dictator would do?

You’re evil for forcing me to think about Mitch McConnell having sex.

Last time I checked, insurance isn’t free. So therefore they are still paying for it.

I don’t understand why then the city can’t sue the cop to try to get back some of the money. I know there’s no way they’d get it all, but at least something.

True and I forgot the train wreck left behind.

Actual drawing of the plan: