Omg don’t know how I missed Sonny Perdue in the cabinet. THat guy is INSANE. What rock did they find him under?! We really are in the darkest timeline.
Omg don’t know how I missed Sonny Perdue in the cabinet. THat guy is INSANE. What rock did they find him under?! We really are in the darkest timeline.
I would agree with you, but apparently she’s instrumental in sending trump fake news articles and also went on TV defending the pussy tape. She is not a victim in this, she may hate him, but she’s an active participant.
I know there’s been a right wing populist movement all through Europe- I wonder if the election of Trump and the complete insanity that is the US has played a part in stemming the tide? Like maybe other countries are seeing what has happened here and it’s mobilizing them to push in the other direction?
I didn’t even think about it that way! It can’t be both!
Absolutely. I have zero doubt that man would lie like a rug under oath.
I just wonder if at some point those who are saying it’s no big deal will actually have to face the true consequences.
It’s insane how quickly and insidiously it happened. We will basically be Russia by 2020 and hardly anyone seems to care :(. I guess it shows how easy it is to win over a huge group within a population with a steady diet of propaganda.
I know I can’t deal with it. I threw up in my mouth pretty good when I read it.
So true. I wish they would’ve made her grosser and scarier.
I don’t know how to say this, but the mummy just doesn’t work as a creature. She looks cool but She isn’t scary (the double irises are cool) and just not right for what they want her to be. I think the movie doesn’t know what it wants to be is it action? Adventure? Horror? Anything from universal monsters should at…
I think it’s because it’s the first thing since the election that seemed not terrible. It felt cathartic to hear him call Trump a liar. It felt good, which makes it easier to see comey as attractive. Comey also had this IDGAF attitude (I loved that he joked about wishing he hadn’t broken a date with his wife to have…
I could not agree more. It was the first thing that’s happened since the election that felt good. Even the assine GOP questions still had to reference what Trump did was wrong- just not illegal.
It was a thing of beauty.
I’m pretty sure he was having a fever dream where Comey is president. Frankly I’d take what he’s having if I could dream trump wasn’t president!
The difference between republican and democratic questioning was so striking. Also, why the fuck did these asshole keep asking about the Clinton emails???????!!!!
No. It was unclassified.
He called him president Comey like 3 times.
I am surprised and pleased by comeys level of emotion. He seems very upset about trumps requests. Plus I LOVED his answer the the Idaho senator said “well he didn’t tell you what to do. He just hoped you would, right?.” And Comey said “well, when the president says he hopes you do something it’s a directive”
Btw I would never use “meet putins girlfriend in Dubrovnik during an election with a cloud of Russian influence” as an example of a different idea of dedicated motherhood.