Erlend Lunde Holbek

Leslie Knope is a hero

I think it does well on Netflix. And it's helped establish a new IFC brand, even amongst people who don't watch.

His last Justin Bieber collab, a few months after Acid Rap, was one of Bieber's best songs, and his verse was really inspired.

He gets work because Francis Ford Coppola likes him.

I liked Love. Flaked just seems like BoJack Horseman without the visuals and the satire.

It's actually pretty funny. There's a scene where the dad wants to connect to his son, so he spends hours creating a world of warcraft character and roaming the game looking for him. when they finally meet, the kid stabs him.

It was shot during production of Batman v Superman, so Jesse Eisenberg is wearing a wig throughout.

So.. did her management/agent/whatever fuck up and not deliver the news? Has there been a falling out? It seems weird to do Gilmore Girls without her.

I can't. Link?

One of my very favorite films is the unmentioned Me and You and Everyone We Know. Also,
American Psycho
Fish Tank
The Arbor
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
My old internet friend Katie co-directed SXSW audience award winner Zero Charisma
And does The Matrix count? If not, Cloud Atlas.

And Gillian Jacobs is one of my favorite CBB not-quite regulars, so I am definitely excited.

He's always been a tolerable actor/personality, hasn't he? As long as you ignore his music.

Kumail isn't on it much anymore. Curtis Armstrong was the new Kumail for a while. You probably heard Harmon and Erin McGathy got a divorce. Harmon's back to sleeping with a mannequin leg and addicted to more video games. I can't stop listening.

He had a three picture contract, so he's not in this fourth one. Tony Hale is, though.

I don't follow any sports at all, which saves up probably 15 hours a week compared to most of my sports loving friends. But honestly, even though I only sleep five or six hours a night, I end up following fifty shows a year and I still have a huge list of stuff I need to catch up on. Peak TV is a real thing.

Somehow he seems to have a better taste in mainstream fare than in his little indie passion projects. The Mission: Impossible movies are good, Paul was decent and Tintin was astonishing - at least visually. On the other hand, all his small-scale dramedies are mediocre at best.
I won't blame him for Absolutely Anything

Pan might be in a theater near you

I think Dan could use a couple of weeks off to rediscover his love of writing. In his place, The AV Club could run a column where Fred Savage answers fan mail.

That, and that fucking hip hop dance he did.

Now don't forget that a hazy recap of the films up to this point which grossly misremembers the ending of the previous entry is the most consistent element of this series.