
As for a "semi happy ending", I don't see how that's possible. Even is society returns to "normalcy" (whatever form that might take), it cannot erase this chapter of its history…and if it happened once, it can happen again…

The one with Nick still seemed gratuitous and soft-pornish.

" Isn’t it better for society that the odious clients of the knife-on-the-counter bordello take out their sadistic impulses on robots who can’t feel, who were in fact designed to receive such behavior?"

No, as long as enjoyment is not the sole motivation.

It's a common enough scenario that people do not take a hard critical look at their lives until a near-death or approaching-death experience (or death of a loved one).

I thought she said "Love is stronger than death".

The questions raised are profoundly important, if not fully explored. The apocalypse scenario just brings into sharp focus the question we all face: What do our lives matter, since they will end? The answer one gives determines one's life.

This is silly. Neither body is more "realistic". Both are cartoon versions of different body types that do actually exist.

Why not? When you have found the music you love, why keep looking for more?

"it’s just that you have lost the ability to hear(figuratively and perhaps literally) those records for what they are. "

"I guarantee you that somebody somewhere is making a record just as transformative as anything you grew up with…"
How can you guarantee this? Not every year, or generation, or era, produces equally lasting or valuable work.

Very cool…would like it much better without that voice, though!

Would have been better without the explicit sex. For a film apparently critiquing the superficiality and physicalism/pornification of modernity, it also is guilty of the same

Would have been better without the explicit sex. For a film apparently critiquing the superficiality and physicalism/pornification of modernity, it also is guilty of the same

"Torrenting is kind of like smoking pot…"

Isn't the title "Ultraviolence" a Clockwork Orange reference?

Strongly disagree on this assessment. Remixes can be great, and certainly can supersede the originals, but not in the case of most of Lana del Rey's work. Te remixes are trendy and of this moment, Prediction: the remixes will soon sound tired and be forgotten, whereas the album versions will become classics.