Squirtle: Starting to realize what the bourgeois have done to society. He waters the sapling of revolution.
Squirtle: Starting to realize what the bourgeois have done to society. He waters the sapling of revolution.
Acting like a total Greninja smdh
Isabelle is Leslie Knope’s fursona.
I feel like “pseudo-intellectual” is a phrase that only “pseudo-intellectuals” use.
It’s very obvious to reasonable people that he means that the choices the writers made immediately make sense to the viewer. But feel free to continue being a dick with your willful ignorance if that’s what floats your boat.
True fact - Isabelle is gaming’s Leslie Knope.
“I don’t particularly care for animation” is something I’ve heard with surprising frequency, actually, so you’re hardly alone in that. But I think it’s frankly misguided. It’s kinda like saying, “I hate all live action movies.”
I mean... animation encompasses a huge array of movie types. Action, adventure, romance,…
My dermatologist once removed a mole from the bottom of my foot. It hurt. A lot.
“It is fiction, the nature of the character has changed with every new writer that took on the character in the comic.”
You’ve actually never read a Superman comic, have you?
At best, Man of Steel is a sub-par non-cannon take on superman akin to Ultraman or Kingdom Come. Even taken as an alternate dimension asshole…
Not particularly a fan of Superman or any other superhero, but I don’t think this argument holds up.
“There is no intention of whitewashing. We accept that we are not sensitive enough and will pay more attention to diversity issues in the future.”
Why the hell would the red part of the pie be strawberry and not cherry?
I was going to say how much I agree with Nerfnow, but then I got interrupted
Venezuela isn’t a socialist country, just a really poorly run populist police state with a massive political corruption problem.
Question: What does “another fake streamer” entail?
Agreeing to follow someone else’s rules in exchange for access to their platform, then breaking those rules and losing access, and then planning to break them again once the punishment is over makes you a hero these days?
wow edgy.
Put your crack pipe down. Madero and KJU don’t need any help from the CIA to screw their countries up. They are doing a fine job all by themselves.
How is that Madero diet working for Venezuela? It is like Madero got leadership mentoring from Kim Jong Un.
Fantasma de Hugo Chavez, Senores y Senoras.