
A large unspoken part of the show/tidying approach is to change the relationship between you and your stuff. There are different ways of doing that e.g. you could see your stuff in utilitarian instead of signalling terms, but encouraging an animist view of your stuff is one way of breaking through the default

It may not be that straightforward. A lot of it may just be subconscious on the part of Kondo, as she may have grown up and around that sort of belief and values. She may not actively acknowledge it, or even be aware of it - it’s just ingrained in her.

And in the context of that story, the things he did for the Pinkertons were so horrible that they made him be the drunk, depressed shell of a man he was, so... yeah, not exactly a good look for the Pinkertons there either

The O’Driscolls are also still around. They now run fruit farms and sells strawberries and raspberries and blueberries. I found this out while grocery shopping and saw the name. I did some research and they apparently got rid of the O’ to make their name more American, less Irish.

Don’t forget the 20th century too!

...famous detective villains from the 19th century’s old, wild west are still around in 2019.

Looks like someone’s reply got misplaced

The Pinkertons were horrible shits who murdered trade unionists.

Can we sue them back as the people for damages for all the grief they’ve caused back in the 19th century?

Unless, of course, the Pinkertons are exactly the same corrupt, shitty assholes acting as glorified hired guns for corporate interests...

I know just who Take-Two needs:

Rockstar will make this go away by guaranteeing that they will hire Pinkertons to massacre their workers when the unionization drive starts.

They should replace all “Pinkerton” references with “Securitas AB” just to remove all doubt.

American police departments would have a better chance at suing Rockstar for being depicted in GTA than the Pinkertons have against Red Dead Redemption. If they win any money over this I’m suing them for what they did to Arthur and John!

Umm... you mean American chips (British crisps) or British chips (no exact American analogue, but close to steak fries or potato wedges)?

That, friend, is called an oxymoron.

The Glasgow Pizza is worse , Pepperoni Pizza , deep fried and then injected with heroin.

It’s a large, high-profile event in the gaming community that specifically tries to be minority-friendly, with lots of female, LGBT, or other diverse runners. Of course all the racists, sexists and homophobes are trying to discredit it by manufacturing controversies. “Might have its share of controversy” is

I’m of Portuguese descent and I’m distraught that I don’t know what a “Portuguese” pizza is. Does it involve cod? Nata (on pizza? ew)? Sausage and goat cheese?

So by my count, 18 of these are about schoolkids.