“What’s wrong with owning slaves?”
“What’s wrong with owning slaves?”
The script was fantastic, too. I know some people were turned off by the pseudo-Elizabethan language, but I thought it worked really well. I also loved how they mapped different accents to different nations, like Sri Lanka to Bhujerba and Iceland to the Viera.
The English VO of 12 is one of the best parts of it next to the music and world building. Fran and Balthier were every reason to play that game turned up.
The airing of the documentary will coincide with the release of Kelly’s life long concerto grosso entitled, “G-string on A Minor.”
You ranked Infinity War too low.
I have a feeling they’re going to show very little footage in all the trailers. This seems like they (rightfully) want to keep a lot of surprises.
For some reason “Wild wild west” song started playing in my head now.
I mean, I'm a fan of unrealistic anime tiddies as much as the next guy, but goddamn do those ones on the swordswoman card just look BAD
Not to mention the vacu-formed latex in one of those that goes right down both cleavages.
To bad the video auto-plays with loud annoying music that makes people mute the video automatically and scroll down for the list.
It really is a masterwork.
I’m honored. Thanks for the compliments, everyone! Had a blast making it. Congrats to all of the mentions this week!
You left the list out of the article?
That’s an intentionally obtuse comparison. There’s a difference between “Mommy I want water” to “Mommy give me all your attention and stop feeding/changing/soothing my new sibling or stop doing the dishes or stop having a conversation with Daddy about what needs to grow on the grocery list”.
I meant, she’s ethnically Malay (I think? It says after her birth in Nagoya she was raised by her parents in Malasia, inferring that her parents are Malay) but nationally Japanese. Traditionally Japan polices ancestry/ethnicity to a high degree so it is refreshing to see them embracing something different.
I don’t know man, these replies are pretty gawdamn ugly and steeped in the stereotypes of “fake gamer girl”.
To be fair depending on when and where you went to animation school, I’m sure there were PLENTY of instructors who didn’t have a legitimate reason to dislike certain design choices. I had plenty of instructors who hated the look of “x” thing because it wasn’t the traditional look or because it’s popular.
I think the…
chinga tu madre, gringo mamahuevo