
While I still liked VII, I really preferred the sprite rpgs of the PS1. I honestly saved up my money and bought my ps1 for BoFIII more than anything else, and I feel it has held up better graphically than most of the FF games.

I think it would be a lot better received if they hadn’t announced it until they had some actual progression done on it. But since it is too late to go back and fix that mistake, I think their best course would be to just stop saying anything about it other than “working on it” until it is almost done. Let people

I don’t mean the resolution; I mean even the polygon count, textures, movement, etc. Modern video games surpassed that stuff long ago!

The voice acting in FFXII was actually for the most part very good (definitely best the series, which granted as you mentioned isn’t saying much). The big issue is it was incredibly over-compressed on the PS2 which made the sound quality terrible.

People who don’t have large families don’t use enough dishes to fill it before they run out of dishes/things they need to use again. My parents haven’t run their dishwasher in 15 years.

I reckon an anime-esque style would’ve really suited it.

I think they should have left well enough alone.

I know...if they’re going to dedicated most of their staff for 5+ years to a huge production, I’d much prefer that be XVI than a remake. As it is, I’m worried they haven’t learned any lessons and their production schedules will still stretch to the point where we’re lucky to get another mainline game every console

I owned Nintendo consoles up to the PS3 so I never got to play FFVII back then. Every time I’ve attempted since I just can’t get into it at all because of how incredibly ugly that game is and even by 1997 standards that game was ugly.

I think people who played it when they were kids wont touch it. People who have only heard of it and how good it was supposed to be will be the buyers. That have, from reports, changed so much about the original game it no longer is the FF7 we remember. They are, again from reports, aiming more action RPG style, so

I much prefer the art style of VIII over VII. IX looks good since it’s a throwback to the earlier style of VI and earlier, but I think VIII struck a good balance between being realistic and stylised.

I have to admit we do have to worry about that, K-pop and J drama... I wonder if it will last so long that no one will be interested anymore, like FF15. I’ve bought the movie Advent Children like 3 times in different platforms, hoping a remake would come, and here we are 11 years after that, and judging for FF15, I

I don’t really care for a highly polished remake of FFVII.  I’d rather they work on new games than remaking a game I played in high school.

Modern graphics are better than those cutscenes were. That’s how powerful nostalgia & memory are!

If combat is anything like FFXV, this is a hard pass for me. It’s not that FFXV’s system was terrible, but it got really stale, really fast.

FFVII was not pixel art though.

Didn’t care for the graphics but really like the gameplay. Honestly I would be happy with a remake that made the game into the style of Final Fantasy 6 somehow. I’d even be happy with Final Fantasy 15 graphics but similar gameplay. Mostly I think it will come down to how they implement the combat for a lot of people.

I would’ve been happy with a less extreme remake - update the 3d models to a better quality (up to FFX level of detail), redraw the background art, add some particle effects, fix the translation, add some bonus content and extra dungeons, etc. Finish the project in a year, sell a bazillion copies at $40 and port it to

Turns out you only need to catch one.

Rape is not a crime of passion/desire. It is a crime of violence and control. The entire point—in the rapist’s mind—is to force the victim to bend to their will.

If you go into it thinking, “Well, the other person not being into it/screaming/crying would turn me off, so I don’t know how you’d be able to do it,” you’re