
Though, FF XII made up for its story with some damn good world design and memorable characters I felt. Well, maybe not Vaan and Penelo, but the judges were badass!. The problem was it was less a personal journey (like X especially) and more bothered with big world events. It was the little things that made the game

I’ve been anti-Nomura since FFXIII. At that point the series was marred by style over substance. I’ve never been a fan of his artistic designs in FF. It’s just pretentious pop art that appeals specifically to the Japanese audience and the only time it truly worked was in The World Ends With You.

And hire a real writer. 

You just cross all the boxes for an obnoxious person. “Shitaku”, saying that the cast isn’t diverse just because there isn’t a person from your patch of land, arguing that charcacters like the androgynous Moira and the squire-esque Briggite are typical “white girl characters”, saying that Orissa was made for a

Hopefully soon they’ll be able to add the funny, then they’ll be all set.

If I’m right, I’m sorry for whomever he assaults next.  :-(

In the MAGA van with a pipe bomb.

Maybe try to de-shitify your country, instead of just pretending to be from ours.

Nope. I’ve been to 40 countries over the years and never once been chastised for speaking English. If anything I’ve been amazed and humbled by the incredible language skills of other people around the world

Yeah, being on the recieving end of “hey friendo, where’s the nearest McDonalds?!” no matter the country does predispose oneself to snarky replies

Boo fucking hoo.  White, especially English speaking, people - are treated royally across the world compared to anyone else.  

I think what you mean is people getting upset at Americans for being in a non-English-speaking country, speaking in English, not even trying to speak the local language, and getting extremely upset at not being understood (because not everyone speaks English).

Oh please.

Really ? I spend the half the year working overseas , between my time in the military and my civilian career I have been in 30+ countries in the last 25 years .... And yet I have never seen or heard of what you’re talking about ...

/someone who has obviously never travelled 

[citation needed]

No.  No they have not.

That happens often, but it’s for speaking English with an American accent.

Yeah. Sounds about right.

Better than a being a misogynistic douchebag. Like practically every person (if incels can be considered people) in this comment section, you are eager to find reasons to hate her and place the entirety of the blame on her.