(GamerCat) My buddy did the exact same thing with Pokemon when it first came out and he was a kid - caught every Pidgey/Rattata because he assumed there was a finite number and he knew the goal was to catch em all.
(GamerCat) My buddy did the exact same thing with Pokemon when it first came out and he was a kid - caught every Pidgey/Rattata because he assumed there was a finite number and he knew the goal was to catch em all.
And we’re still suffering from trickle down economics and mass incarceration. I look forward to one day have two political parties.
Clinton won in the 90s because Ross Perot attacked the right flank and split the vote. He was not a popular candidate.
Democrats should keep moving to the right until they’re conservative enough to attract Republican voters, it’s gotta work eventually, right?
Not even Sheitbart is “reporting” anything like that, shut the fuck up neckbeard.
Found the idiot on the internet!
A Mission Hill reboot where the formerly cool neighborhood is nothing but Lululemon stores and fucking gourmet doughnut shops.
Mission Hill was a gorgeous show with great writing. It’s a wee bit dated now but I’ve recently did a rewatch and it’s crazy how much of it was feeling current. The episode with the non-descript potentially catastrophic world event happening(complete with Dennis Rodman doing peace talks) was way too real. Sometimes…
It isn’t 2004 anymore my guy. “He’s a blogger!” doesn’t mean anything. He commits acts of journalism, with reporting and sources and attribution. The format doesn’t matter.
It’s about the self-applied label. If you have to tell people you’re a meritocracy, you probably aren’t. A lot like the neighbor who tells you about how good of a Christian he is, but you catch him sleeping around in his wife.
Who knew
Who hurt you?
Or it could be that your tastes are too elitiest and refined for your own good and you’re missing out on some enjoyable experiences.
Good luck playing Octopath Traveler on the PS4. It will probably come out on the system the same time FFVII comes out on the N64.
Used to work in quant for Wall Street. Will agree that they are hard workers and have sizable balls... but smart isn’t a word I’d describe these guys.
Time will tell I guess. Considering they were founded in 2014 means it really hasn’t been long enough to differentiate success and luck.
Like 99% of hedge fund managers... he’s probably no smarter than the average joe... he’s just got more (other people’s) money to play around with.
Define irony: guy fixated on external validation through such things as a high paying job, personal fitness, and a trophy girlfriend idolizes fictional character named Tyler Durden who is vehemently against materialism and external validation. See, e.g., these quotes:
But she explained why she’s not messaging them back, did you read her letter? She doesn’t have a responsibility to dudes she’s never met. And this is filtering out the assholes, so, good.
fuck you, dude . that is why you have to jerk off in a sock and be alone forever