
I love how any individual who disagrees with the left is labeled as a fascist will zero evidence provided. You might want to open up a dictionary and do a little research on fascism throughout history hunny before you open your mouth about subjects you know nothing about. Modern day fascism is coming from the left and

Wow Krueger calling Shapiro a facist. Kind of Ironic someone seemingly of German decent is calling a Jewish person a fascist even though said Jewish person is someone who advocates for a small less "authoritarian" government, that doesn't have it's hands all in business.

Look, I do not like Shapiro myself, but calling him a fascist is downright disingenuous.  You can criticize a public figure without resorting to petty personal attacks by actually addressing the illegitimacy of their arguments instead.

So this is what qualifies as journalism now? Cause this just sounds like a baby who needs it diaper changed.

I love watching you all lose, whine, and lose again.

Its always great to start off your articles with ad hominem attacks. Really shows off your intelligence. Also you provide no evidence of these labels. Why dont you actually try to pick apart what he says? I guess tthat would actually require you to think instead of name calling.

You do know Ben Shapiro is Jewish, right? Conservative, sure. But Shapiro is far from being a fascist.

Daamn. Someone's mad. So mad they wrote a whole article.

God grief, guys. Disagree with him all you like, but he's not racist and he's certainly not a fascist! You lot sound like high schoolers in the Bush admin.

Must be easy to figure out the world when you can just designate anyone you don’t agree with as supremacist, racist, -phobic, etc.

Healthy discourse should allow different points of view. As a lifelong Democrat I champion the causes of the common man and proudly stand for human rights in every possible way. I also miss the days when people from both sides of the aisle shared mutual respect.

Ok name those lies and we will both correct him....

Hey Katherine Krueger,

Name calling and insults.   You make an excellent editor in chief for a kids magazine.   Keep up the high level work. 

Thanks! Now I get to live forever!

facts don’t care about your feelings

I would love to see anyone from Splinter try to debate Ben.  Especially some of these regular commentators who think they’re smarted than everyone.

Did you really just call a Jewish guy a Nazi?

Silly me, as a professor who’s taught quite a few sections of constitutional law and government over the last decade or so, I thought a “fascist” was a full boat jingoistic nationalist, a dictator, one who spent their time and efforts squelching opposition, shouting them down, refusing them a voice, e.g., Nazi-ally Il

Oh Katherine, your intellect shines through time and time again. Your headline alone is striking. You couldn’t signal any louder that you’ve never bothered to listen to Shapiro’s rhetoric. Must be sad for you with not being a real journalist and all.