Shooting script:
Shooting script:
I legit just laughed out loud.
Everybody currently in the Senate should probably stay in the Senate, ditto for everybody in the House. That takes care of like half of them. Bullock should similarly stay in Montana to have at least one Democrat there.
Age: 89
Gravel-man 2020!
I’m so mad at Beto. I could be out working for his run against the Texas Crypt-Keeper but instead I’m bashing him on twitter. He could be here building up the Texas Democrats as our most recognizable figure since Ann Richards, but instead he’s standing on tables in Iowa diners.
Fuck Nancy Pelosi and her tough words.
Bill Maher was right: the Dems need a candidate that will make the Right feel as owned as I do now, looking at that picture.
And then they hate-fucked right then and there...
“You have to target the real enemies—the rich and the healthcare industry.”
Society needs to ensure that people are receiving necessary medical care while also ensuring that large make-believe entities are still able to rake in hundreds of billions in annual profits. It’s just logic.
Dunking on the poor to help the fabled “middle class?”
Shocking that some voters don’t want to vote for a politician that takes money from Goldman Sachs. You should try being mad at Hillary Clinton for being corrupt scum instead of being mad at voters for having ethics and morals.
It was “team fuck this shit, I’m staying home with a beer and netflix” in a small handful of states that swung the election. States that Hillary’s consultants said was in the bag and didn’t need any campaigning. And people in those states who stayed home have been shat on by all parties for decades. Hillary’s…
Great article. Hamilton is 100% right.
Pity Hillary and her consultants couldn’t campaign their way out of a wet paper bag.
They weren’t asleep; they were drunk!