
On a PBS Nova special about sink holes, they explained that Florida municipalities will zone areas for residential buildings even though the area is known for sinkholes. The reason? Until the home sinks into the ground, the municipalities get real estate taxes. Unbelievable.

The vast majority of Americans do not need a firearm, and yet they own them anyway, and continue to use them to kill.”

Personally, I love it when a californian new yorker tells me what rights I do and do not need.

Alternate take: Make an effort to arm the poor and those historically discriminated against. You’ll be bound to see a post-reconstruction levels of Gun Control initiatives.


The vast majority of Americans do not need a firearm, and yet they own them anyway, and continue to use them to kill.

All the way back to Roosevelt in 1904. 

Yeah, I get tired of hearing that shit too. “It’s too expensive to fix, won’t someone think of the shareholders?! Dying is just cheaper!”

Hey, right on.  If everyone just glad-hands each other all day long, we learn nothing, and our horizons stay largely locked in place.  Glad to have you around.

Yes! And I think there are two other important factors to keep in mind:

I only want Bernie. All the other runners don’t seem to really care, and some seem to easily manipulated. I hate to say it, but I feel like anyone would be better than Trump, but not by much.  If our own Democratic leaders are against Bernie and AOC, they might as well belong to the GOP at this point. 

I like how we’re talking about global climate change and Uncle Joe wants to say we can’t do it because some coal miners might lose their jobs. You stupid fucks. The government could pay all the coal miners to sit at home and build models of WW2 bombers in their basements. That cost is nothing compared to the costs we

Bernie and AOC are trying to save the planet and improve lives.   Joe Biden is trying to help out the rich and powerful.    Pretty easy to spot if you are paying attention.   There is no middle ground when it comes to saving the planet.  

Says everything about Nancy Pelosi that it is newsworthy when she doesn’t join with racist Republicans to attack left wing Democrats.

It is very newsworthy when Democrats don’t act like complete fucking idiots.   Great work by Pelosi.   She lowered that bar all the way where she can finally clear it.  

My god getting owned by Ted Cruz is embarrassing enough but having your thunder stolen by an adult hall monitor with an even less impressive resume would devastate a normal person. I don’t know how Bob gets out of bed in the morning. 

Everyone saw it coming ... but for fuxsake there should be more exposition or a Dany soliloquy or some fucking context. No, instead we get 30 mins of watching Dany/Drogon drive bys destroying Kings Landing.  You know, it was awesome for the first 3 mins ... maybe 5 mins ... but what.the.fuck! with showing scene after