
Okay. Making a concrete statement as regards impeachment proceedings (which, to be clear, he does not have to do) is not “running vs. Trump.””

That was after your condescending comment about needing a hug or something, don’t play the victim lol

Still waiting on that hug you promised.....

Go off, King!

Wheres my hug?!?!?

Id never say no to a hug from one of the worst commenters on this site. Bring it in, buddy!

Except thats not what happened at all but whatever makes you feel better, honey. 

lol, ok dude, whatever makes you happy on this blessed Wednesday. Make up all the shit you want to, who am I to deny you?

He said he supports impeachment if thats what the judiciary committee recommends. You are really just twisting his words around.

He has said what he believes repeatedly, its like you didn’t even read the article or my comment, but kudos on getting your thought-free anti-sanders take in.

Sanders has made it clear that he is running on a platform, not vs. Trump. He gets criticized for not being a “team player” but also criticized when he is. While I might have personally preferred stronger language than his latest tweet, I think it is the pragmatic route and also it is literally what will happen - the

So your response is to *not impeach him*?

“Also, I’m kinda glad Trump was watching. We’re guaranteed some outright unhinged tweets in the very near future, and if nothing else, they’ll make for an excellent object lesson in what an active disconnect with objective reality looks like.”

He literally said he doesnt want to do that, though.

None of what Mueller says matters at all, in the slightest, in any way whatsoever, if Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to impeach Donald Trump. 

Waiting anxiously for the Mueller post here. Get to typin’, monkeys!

I know this is entirely the wrong takeaway here but who the hell self censors the word “crap”? Why not use a word you are comfortable using in its entirety like “poppycock”?

This is your magnum opus, Jack. You might as well give up writing after this, its all downhill from here. As correct as this is, the real heroes are your graphics folks.

Pence doesnt have nearly the cult of personality following Trump does. You think MAGATs will stan for Pence?

This is the dumbest take Ive seen on this site.