
a moment where she was genuinely clapping for the president...

Mueller didnt recommend charges because he wanted Congress to act, don’t be a liar, lol.

The only qualification to be and run as a democrat is to say “I am a democrat”. If you are referring to Sanders, he has been a progressive and caucusing with the dems for four decades.

I mean, Bobby Jindal was a Rhodes Scholar and he was dumb as fuck too

It worked out great for Republicans, they went on to win the presidency in 2000 and basically own Democrats for the following 20 years. Nevermind that these two situations are COMPLETELY and TOTALLY different. We were literally looking at cum stains on dresses in 1998. 

So the thing is, in probability and statistics, we have to assume that prior evidence is predictive of future events. Sure, there are a lot of differences between Trump and Clinton’s impeachment, but there are a lot of similarities as well.”

I agree with you, very cowardly. 

No. Impeaching has one additional downside, and it’s a pretty big one. Impeaching could allow Trump to paint the Democrats as petty, vindictive, bitter people who are so consumed with Trump Rage that they can’t effectively govern. Which would be a bad thing for the Democrats’ prospects in 2020.”

Ahh ok you’re a dumbass, why didn’t you lead with that?

Its unbelievable to me that she thinks there is anything in this world that can cause Trump to lose his base. Trump said it best himself. He could literally shoot someone in a public thoroughfare and they will cheer him for it. 

“and the Clinton impeachment does give him reason to want this even if some factors prevent it from being a good 1:1 comparison.”

Trump has not been playing defense, literally no one has held him accountable for anything - how is that defense?

Pence would be a massive improvement as he totally lacks the devotion of Trumps cult of personality and would not be able to argue that he has a mandate as an unelected president. I welcome a president Pence, would be way easier to defeat in an election too.

“And because a failed impeachment virtually guarantees Trump a second term, it’s important to get this shit right.”

The evidence I guess is pulling through the mangled corpse of the half-assed version of the ACA through Congress

If Nancy pushes impeachment then every dem in the house will vote for it. 

Waiting for the Mueller report was a mistake. They shouldve began impeachment proceedings the moment they took the house and used the Mueller report as the straw that broke the camels back. Waiting has let Republicans frame the issue to their advantage. 

The total lack of guts in dem leadership is puzzling. Do they simply not have the stomach for this? Nancy, Chuck and Joe just miss being able to hang out with their republican buddies without all this stupid politics getting in the way. 

Not impeaching has all the same downsides as impeachment. Trump will still taunt the dems, and republicans will continue to act in bad faith. With impeachment you can atleast put Trump on the defensive, as a lifelong crook Trump has a collection of skeletons in his closet. I used to have a lot of respect for Nancy’s

No, we need to defeat his primary hopes for a third and final time so that he finally gets the message that we don’t want him.