
Not long after that interview, Dominic West publicly supported Wilson’s comments and said he’d take a pay cut for a woman co-star on an indie project “as long as resources are limited.” West told Variety, “But in a long-running TV show money is not a problem and there’s no excuse for it.” Hmm, okay.

I knew she had died because all of a sudden I heard Say A Little Prayer For You from every store I walked past.

Now playing

Farewell Ms. Franklin. You had a wonderful voice that crossed genres and time.

That punter was looking just like the Statue of Liberty:

“Scott Walker is very special”

Whenever Trump calls someone “special” it makes me make a face like I’ve accidentally bitten into a piece of fruit that is rotten inside.

Ugh. Could men maybe just not treat the world as their toilet? 

I’m no expert, but I feel like there must be a better solution to public urination than a slightly different version of public urination.

Not gonna lie...Carrot Antonoff has a certain ring to it.

The scariest tranche isn’t the apologists, but the people who think the vulgar rhetoric and schoolyard-bully interpersonal style (never mind the messages being conveyed) are good things.

This is what kills me about this statement: so, when you were a fucking Senior White House Advisor, the truth didn’t matter one good goddamn but now that you’ve been cut loose and you’re selling a book, it does? Fuck you. The truth never matters more than when you represent the White House. And you helped a traitor

“The American heartland” always seems to mean unsophisticated red state WASPs. I really don’t care if I hear another word from them. We know who they are from whom they’ve voted into office (and stand by); and only courtesy of an outdated system, they are wildly overrepresented in congress and the electoral college,

Ugh. We know Trump is a racist. Not like he’s trying to hide anything. Is there a tape? Who knows? We don’t need one. All of a sudden, people are going to hear a tape of him using racial slurs and go “Well...I never! This is too much, sir!” Fuck no. His lumpen supporters are all down with it. Have been since the jump.

It’s like watching my worst enemy drive off a cliff in my new ferrari.

So would you say that, just like the MySpace bulletins that demanded you repost them lest you be greeted in the night by some dead young girl ready to murder you, these scary stories have a cultural expiration date, meant to be consumed on the internet and the internet alone?

That’s the irony of it all. The smugness of vegans is dwarfed by the smugness of meat eaters (and that’s taking PETA and their shenanigans into account) yet the prevailing narrative is about insufferable vegans.

The mere mention of the word “vegan” seems to automatically send some people into a rage, whether or not there is actually an obnoxious preachy vegan involved.

I don’t care what people eat as long as they don’t preach at others, but I swear I’ve run into WAY more defensive/preachy meat eaters than obnoxious preachy vegans out there. For all the complaining I hear about annoying vegans, I’ve seen way more obnoxious behavior by this weird, vocal contingent of people out there

The only thing more obnoxious than vocal vegans are the people who complain about vegans saying their vegan (i.e. most of the comments and the oddly snarky-for-no-discernible-reason article above). If this was a stab at comedy then Jezebel writers are bad at comedic writing.

‘OMGWhizzBoyOMG, whose fascistic tendencies, while amusing set against his colorful aesthetic, resound as wholly unbelievable in actual life.’