
Surprised he didn't say "Alexandria, let's be civil"


So nice to see the unity in the Democratic party. I guess you don’t remember “Obama Boys” form 2008. Keep attacking the progressives and we can have Trump 2020.

Just want to offer a gentle reminder that the idea that “Bernie Bros” voted for Trump at a rate higher than the usual primary-to-general turnover (compared to Hillary/McCain or Obama/McCain in 2008, in particular) is completely inaccurate. It just didn’t happen.

What in the fuck point are you trying make? Are you a DNC bot currently melting down? 

The phrase you’re looking for instead of ‘make a fuss about’ is ‘pay lip service to’. Because they don’t really make a fuss. They wait till the center (of the political divide) sits firmly over something before they actually make anything resembling a fuss.

He lives in Virginia. His kids go to school in Virginia. It would be trivial to change his residency to his real home.

Alexandria, the race is over and Democrats need to come together. I’ve made my support for you clear and the fact that I’m not running.

LOL Nancy Pelosi HATES that Ocasio-Cortez beat Crowley in the primary, and she keeps insisting that her win was a fluke.

The day Pelosi leaves government I'm throwing a huge goddamn cookout. Can't stand her. 

It shouldn’t be surprising to anyone any more that the Democratic party is deeply opposed to progressive policy. They make a fuss about gay rights and abortion to keep you opposed to “the other guy” while they act in lock step with the Republicans to expand executive power and siphon the country’s wealth to wall

Nancy Pelosi will step up and force that fucker Crowley to step aside because she’s smart enough to realize how bad this looks after the Bernie/DNC fiasco.

But after Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win, Bill Lipton, the state director of the Working Families Party, reached out to Crowley’s team and asked that he vacate the line. Crowley, however, declined. This means he’ll remain on the ballot, which is certainly a curious decision to make!

Do not disrespect the rodents.

GO AWAY tomato troll. Nobody’s going to indulge your nonsense.

I was a little scared to make such a drastic change to the part of my face that defined my career

his black wife needs to divorce his ass if she has any self-respect.

Meghan Markle’s sister, Samantha, had an absolute meltdown on Twitter yesterday, after this story came out. She seems to have really lost touch with reality and become completely unhinged. She’s such a nasty, vile woman. I can only imagine how horrible she was to Meghan when she was a child. She’s probably livid that

Make some tweets and then delete them, so everyone’s like OH HOLY SHIT WHAT DID IT SAY