Yes. Pointing to how “things have always been done” doesn’t mean they were the right thing to do morally or-since that’s what really matters in Hollywood-financially.
Yes. Pointing to how “things have always been done” doesn’t mean they were the right thing to do morally or-since that’s what really matters in Hollywood-financially.
Uh. I think people would FLOCK to the movie if they cast a trans actor. You clearly underestimate the buying power of the LGBTQIA community.
So, that essentially creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Productions won’t hire minority actors because pretty much all of them aren’t A-list. Minority actors can’t become A-list because A-list productions won’t hire them. Rinse and repeat.
And anyone who tries to pull the “movies are expensive; they need a big name” bs is just an enabler of bad people and Hollywood would still be prevelant with black and yellow face if this bs idea was actually valid and made sense.
I literally think this every time I use it and at the same time have never *really* given thought to the fact that I think that until now. It’s just kind of a passing observation as I wash my face that comes (cums?) and goes. “This stuff looks like cum. Did I turn the stove off? Yes I think I did.” etc.
yes, damnit Emma, we all noticed that; and everyone but you realized the world would be a better place if we didn’t say anything bout it. Thanks for dragging down the world one more notch.
It’s “dangerous” for a woman (with her kid!) to peacefully and eloquently, -in the most polite manner possible- to tell a public servant-who serve the people- how she feels and then walk away? In a public place? In the US where it is our first amendment to have a right to do just this? Please explain how exactly this t…
Nice false equivalency you got there, Chet.
You’re a coward and insecure, so of course you’d only be motivated to put someone on blast publicly if you got a lot of attention. Don't try to diminish what this woman did by trying to copy-paste your own weakness onto her. It's not a good look.
Once I became a mom, it just really hit me that I wanted to leave a better world for my children and it made me bold. If I was just speaking for myself, I would let myself be steamrolled too much because I am shy and introverted. But, speaking on behalf of my children made me become more outspoken and persistent.
Why did you put mom in quotation marks? And rat? Really? What did the kid, or the mother for that matter, do to you? Can you list one reason you’re so disgusted by her behavior? Did she ever suggest that she or her kid was the most important thing in the world? She was merely making her position known to a member of…
Why is “moms” in quotations? Is this some sort of subtle “crisis actor” echo?
Glad you were able to get that off your chest.
She’s actually opening herself up to all kinds of vitriol and I would imagine she knows that. I consider this to be a brave act.
He’s a public official in public. She stated her points eloquently and calmly. She didn’t threaten or attack.
I am glad she filmed it and shared Pruitt’s reaction with the world.. If you think that was entirely done for her benefit of “internet fame” I think you really missed the message.
or her phone, or she had some paper in her purse or whatever.. it really would be the smart move. If I were in the situation, I’d lose my train of thought in the moment due to rage.
That part is weird.. but not inconceivable that they saw him, and in order not to screw it up face-to-face, she scribbled out her thoughts there at the restaurant before getting up.
She saw him... instantly knew she had to confront him... gathered her thoughts in writing so she didn’t seem like a ranting maniac... then logically and pointedly eviscerated him to his face