
I think she’s downplaying it because she represents a district that not only would be better represented by an Ocasio-Cortez type but also has the requisite liberal base to make such a possibility real, and she knows it. Her statement is as much about self-preservation as it is about the party in general.

Part of it is their myopia. Orcasio-Cortex and Obama both got it because...they are people of color. They both understood what it meant for politicians to ignore you, to look over your interests and your entire community. Folks like Pelosi and others struggle with this key point because, throughout their lives,

Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic establishment just refuse to get it. The don’t get it, even though Cortez is following Obama’s playbook. She makes people believe that she cares. She goes out and canvasses door to door instead of relying on big money to take care of everything while she sits on her butt.  Voters

Pelosi takes money from corporates, and votes for economic policies that continue to increase the power the wealthy hold over the rest. She’s a capitalist, capitalists hate socialists.

“The people closest to the pain should be closest to the power”. This is exactly what I thought and told my peers yesterday: a good politician should be a person who has the lived experience to empathize with those they will lead!

Um no. Ocasio-Cortez was dismissed prior to her election because the DNC establishment determined, in their infinite wisdom, that her district would not ‘tolerate’ her. The take-away from this story is that the DNC have no fucking clue what they are doing, and we shouldn’t trust them to ‘run’ anything or anyone.

Like many white people from the rural south raised by Republicans, I primarily align with Democratic Socialist policies and positions. I’m 33 years old. I remember 1998 – the lynching year, Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd, Jr. Columbine happened during my Freshman year of high school. How safe are today’s children

I am not far left (at least according to far left people, I might as well be a neocon) but it irks me so much that dems talk about how people need to come out and vote dem even if they have to hold their nose at it -- but that goes both ways! If a progressive candidate wins and you’re more center, YOU have to hold

She wants democrats like her to win, no one else.

That attitude right there is why the old skool pols need to go. It’s not just shading the youngins, but it’s the same ol same ol business as usual mindset. Of course Pelosi is going to shit on this win because it represents a threat to the ossified power structure.

Interesting how when the establishment talks about party unity, they mean “fall in line with us, and never the other way around.

For actual professional politicians the Democrats are really bad at this whole politics thing.

Those of us who do not see Pelosi as part of the problem are dangerously delusional. She and her ilk have had plenty of time to affect change and have allowed this to happen. Garland should be seated in the SCOTUS and we should not be fearing for our hardwon rights. Pelosi would have us roll over an take whatever is

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the DNC establishment that keeps losing on our behalf needs to SIT DOWN and STFU. Orcasio Cortez is fresh, young, and filled with new ideas that those white geriatrics have no clue about.

PSA: as this article points out, it’s important to use clear language when describing neo-Nazi fuckery. Neo-Nazis went to Charlottesville to start a riot. They are going to try to start a riot in Lafayette Park. They always do this shit, and then lie about it. Why? Two reasons: 1) by starting a riot, they can

I expect McConnell is going to try to schedule a vote right after the election, because this is one issue that is guaranteed to energize the GOP base and he can dangle the risk of losing the Senate in front of them. 

if only the left had been more civil, this never would have happened...!

Bill Clinton was an absolutely terrible president and really was just 8 more years of Reagan.

McConnell and the rest of the goon squad should be kicking Dump to the curb any time now. They’ve got what they want—the tax bill, a loaded SCOTUS, gerrymandering, abortion all but eliminated, and tons of shit smeared, blood soaked money to roll in until they die. They don’t need him any more.