She goes on to say that she’s not selling sex, she’s selling sex appeal.
I wonder what he’s guilty of? ( i mean the lawyer, i know what Harvey is guilty of)
Jesus, it would be like sexing the live action Red Skull with what I imagine would be a powerful smell of urineand some kind of doctor prescribed ointment. No one wants to comment on that.
“Fabricated No Crime” would imply an actual crime, yes?
Aren’t both kids and adults doing most of their socializing behind screens nowadays? So that leads to less drugs and sex but also more social isolation which could lead to depression.
Posted it before, but found this hilarious.
lol @ “the lengths people will go to attack a woman who is dating Don Jr.”
As loathe as I am to defend Huckabee Sanders, I’m deeply uncomfortable with this line of thinking. It’s just as gross coming from a liberal under the guise of calling out their hypocrisy as it would be from a conservative. The word “careerist” is inherently sexist. It’s not a word we use against men, no matter what…
Woman, this would be the first good decision you have made in your entire blighted existence. Get a book deal and bail.
Ah, so it is confirmed then, she is quitting.
Except the people who “win” DO get paid. It is both aimed at fans, AND they get paid. Unfortunately, that’s the only way to pay fans. You either hire an artist based on their portfolio, or you request an enormous group of fans to send in spec work. There isn’t really an in-between.
Ugh. This response is such garbage.
If they don’t use your art, they don’t own it though. So this is different from “we will consume the resource and then decide whether to compensate you.”
I must be getting old because I remember when companies would run contests like this with the idea that your submission MIGHT make it into the game/show/book/whatever. And IF it did, you were just happy to have something you could brag to your friends about.
My point is, don’t blame that woman for that motherfucker killing her. We’ll never know what would have happened had she gave up the keys. That dude was evil enough to rob a mom at gunpoint, right in front of her kids and you automatically assuming that he would have done the “decent” thing and “just” robbed her?
Just because you’re over 40 doesn’t mean you can’t...look like a Limited Edition Dan Marino Barbie dipped in Murphy’s Oil Soap
I mean the key here is that he killed a woman in front of her children. It’s not that it doesn’t matter about what lead to that, but this maybe isn’t the place right. Whataboutism here just sounds like you’re making excuses for him.
There are “BEAUTIFUL black men are locked up over senseless bullshzt”, but this guy isn’t one of them. He killed this young mother because he wanted to kill somebody & so he chose to. You’re feeling more sorry for him then the woman he killed. He doesn’t deserve that.
Isn’t a “pivot to bodybuilding” how everyone justifies prison to themselves?