Giving these moments strong, purposeful contexts. Plenty of stories tackle abuse or sexual trauma in ways that are both shocking but nevertheless empathetic. I don’t think Cage’s stories manage that, unfortunately.
Giving these moments strong, purposeful contexts. Plenty of stories tackle abuse or sexual trauma in ways that are both shocking but nevertheless empathetic. I don’t think Cage’s stories manage that, unfortunately.
Sort of. I can’t comment on Detroit, and Two Souls was just about unplayable (sorry, just my opinion, I downloaded it for free from PSN and deleted it about an hour in) so I can’t talk about that one either.
Madison in Heavy Rain is treated like absolute shit. If I remember, her introductory scene in the game includes her half naked being assaulted by a burglar with her being “killed” no matter *what* you do...only to learn it’s a dream sequence followed by a shower scene.
Best Christian film? Life of Brian.
One interesting to think on when you consider our government is that the Constitution was written, basically in order, during one summer in Philadelphia without air conditioning. As such, while certain things were debated ad nauseum, others weren’t.
What is black music? For many, it’s soul, funk, R&B, hip-hop and essentially all genres of music that reflect roots…
I am not naive. This particular exclusivity deal is complete BS as Take Two knows they will sell at least 14 million copies (the number RDR 1 sold) and likely close to double that amount (based upon GTA Vs ridiculous success). As such, TT knows they don’t need to raise the extra revenue. However, if this was Bully 2…
Except that, you know they would still seek those extra revenue sources even if they increased the base cost of games. Unless you believe they really have your best interests at heart.
Precisely. I was with him 20 years ago, but I’m not with him now because I see what a culture of giving men like him a pass gets us.
I give a flying fuck not only because it’s the epitome of sexist double standards but also because when we ignore men like Clinton, we pave the way for men like Trump and then we wonder how we got here.
He should no longer attend democratic party events, he should no longer participate in fundraising, and he should never, under any circumstances, get paid by them for appearances. That’s what it would take.
Wow... I saw this on CNN and thought “I wonder what Jezebel readers think of this”. And I am surprised that most are still shifting blame from Clinton to the media/republicans (well, i get the republican hatred part) rather than calling him what he is. A sexual harasser. Repeatedly accused for years. I thought the…
“Well, I don’t think it would be an issue. Because people would be using the facts instead of the imagined facts. If the facts were the same today, I wouldn’t,”
Fans of the Clinton family have been telling themselves for years that all these all these allegations are done by nuts, sluts, or Republicans. It makes their team look bad so they don’t care.
Someone should also ask Hillary with regards to this in light of #metoo:
Clinton chose to give the interview, he is responsible for his remarks, no one made him talk. I am sorry that his cheating, lying & harassing behavior left him $16 million in debt.
He seems to think that the fact people were with him 20 years ago means they’d be there now, and that the fact they were there at all means no one should be mad about it. Then he gets mad because hes a retired president and shouldn’t be judged because he’s in the club of people above scrutiny. George Washington was…
Ashley, I was thouroughly disgusted when I watched this. When he was asked, “Do you think this President has been given a pass in regards to the women who have come forward and accused him of sexual misconduct?” and he says, “well, uh, no, but it hasn’t gotten anything like the coverage you might expect.”
The allegations against Bill Clinton are similar to those against Harvey Weinstein. How does he continue to avoid that reality and all its consequences?
No, I felt terrible then, and I came to grips with it