What an absolute sack of rotten dicks that Gallagher is.
What an absolute sack of rotten dicks that Gallagher is.
There definitely have been. There’s been many cases in particular where Catholic hospitals have denied women abortions in the U.S. even when they were actively miscarrying because there was a fetal heartbeat.
Would love for someone from Jezebel to explain why people from Ireland like myself who visited your site in the past few days/weeks saw advertising promoting a no vote? Is there any code that you have on who you will/won’t accept money from?
Shut uppppppp
shut the funk up binch
Forgot to post this the other day, but did you know that Trump thinks that Canada is very “difficult” and “spoiled”?
So you’re a writer but you don’t understand the form and function of the Persuasive Essay?
You fundementally misunderstand how game criticism works; both a subjective opinion and as a business.
Huh. Have you now? Cage and his games are too intertwined to be separated and he’s created that infrastructure on purpose, not us crazy lefties (I really like how you managed to make this a political thing in the comment below this one). He wants to be a rock star game designer? He can be treated as such. For my…
I also know this site has become some far left progressive crapstorm, which wants every game to be some liberal political mouthpiece.
I loved all the interviews where David Cage thought he was a genius with an original idea for making a game with a story where artificial intelligence yearns for freedom despite the fact that it’s been a science fiction trope for decades upon decades.
It’s super condescending and offensive. Like she is simply overreacting. And almost implying she’s the unprofessional one.
Their lack of respect for her both as a colleague and a professional was appalling. Obviously, abusing anyone is wrong, but her career could more than rival Tambor’s. The idea that she couldn’t tell the difference between a minor spat and behavior on set that is beyond the norm is absurd.
Total gaslighting. And it’s offensive, like she isn’t a professional actor herself, who knows what to expect on a set.
Exactly. To me it read like gaslighting.
I think this interview will feel very familiar to any women that wants people to know what happened to them was not okay, but also feel pressured to go along to get along.
I checked with my GF (who actually is a Swedish lawyer). She considers that this is just a necessary update to remove any possible flaws in the previous formulation.
She is also of the opinion that the headline is “stupid”.
This article is quite willingly leading people to believe that non-consensual sex had previously…
Yep. Legislative changes in 2005 actually broadened the definition of rape to include situations where neither consent nor a “no” can be given (having sex with someone who is asleep, or in a helpless state due to intoxication, for example). Prior to 2005, it would still have been illegal, but would have fallen under…
This headline should be changed.
IANAL, but my general understanding is that Sweden already has the most progressive laws in the world concerning rape. It’s already established that a rape has occurred in a wide range of cases where consent cannot be given, for instance due to incapacitation, or under duress.
Swedish law recognises rape in many, many different and complex ways beyond this recent change. This is a simplistic article, research will show you exactly how all encompassing the definition of rape is in Sweden.