
Abandon the car forever, because homeless people are really feral ghouls who once ensconced in an area can never be budged?

I have been barked at, spat on, and yelled at by more homeless people than I can count. I have found human feces about 3 paces from my front steps. I’ve been woken up at 3 am by people screaming “FUCK YOU FUCK YOU IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU MOTHER FUCKER FUCK YOU.” One time I managed to see 2 dicks and a vagina

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

Wait I thought this was being developed by that company not this company...

It was something that I said in the heat of the moment. I said the worst word I could possibly think of, and it just sort of slipped out. I’m not going to make any excuses for why it did”

Can we please stop covering this shithead now?

Why though? Plenty of people use the word fag as an insult. Are all of these people secretly homophobes?

That makes him a casual racist, which makes up the majority of racist in this world. This also makes them the most dangerous because their acceptance of clearly racist behavior slowly empowers the extreme racist.

If you’re a white person who uses nigger to insult people you’re racist. Full stop.

You’re an obtuse moron who clearly wallows in self hate so much that you have to rationalize your bullshit in order to distract yourself from the fact that you’re compensating for something else.

Anyone who casually says “go take your sandy vag” simply CANNOT be a sleazy dude. You don’t come off that way AT ALL with your casual racism and willful ignorance against the history of a word.

South Park is getting in on the real life simulator here.

At its beginning, AHS: Cult takes a real grab bag of current news events and mushes them into a convoluted mess of a show that can’t get its head straight about whether or not its satire or stone-faced social commentary.

Um, so I was born in Britain and the term ‘Boys and Girls’ is not inherently posh. Not ‘posh’ people understand the phrase ‘Boys and Girls’ and ‘Kids’ is not too informal for ‘posh’ people. I don’t think you know any British working class people if you think that they are intimidated by the word ‘Children’. John Lewis

Yeah, you said that like 5 times on this thread. The thing is that we as a society are trying to evolve beyond biological essentialism and traditional “gender” definitions. It’s clearly not about you and your son’s truck. It’s kind of odd to me because it seems like you either feel “relieved” that he likes traditional

Well, Andrew, if you’re confused about whether or not a certain garment is appropriate for your child, you clearly don’t know your child very well. Buy what looks good regardless of what the label says, you tit.

To be fair, they did make some punk tracks in their time. This just wasn’t one of them. I do find it cute that he thinks Sabotage is a punk song though. Let’s just give him an A for effort.