
There’s now chaos on the Tory benches over university tuition fees and student loans. Theresa May’s deputy, Damian Green has said there needs to be a national debate on the issue after Labour cleaned up the student vote in the recent election. Meanwhile, Jo Johnson (the more coherent brother of Boris) who is

If you’re at all sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians in Israel, the IDF is a controversial organization. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that Gal served in it as (from what I understand) all Israeli youth are compelled to do so, but I think it’s understandable that her outspoken support for it would rub people

I’m a Brazilian. Few countries in the Western hemisphere are in a more politically troubled situation as us right now (Venezuela being the only one to come from the top of my mind)...

I’m to the point where the only thing I found surprising about this is that he’s figured out how to embed a video in a tweet.

“if someone was going to throw another burden on me that I couldn’t date people in their 30s then I might as well give up and die.”

This reminds my random mind of a story, where my husband had a ‘friendship’ with a goose who lived in the park-area around his workplace. He named her Gertrude (or Gurty, like the character in ET), and he really liked her. Then, one day, She was out there hanging out with Richard, and my husband was over the moon!

Geez. Judgememtal much? These are people well into adulthood who can clearly navigate this shit themselves. The faux concern and shock really irritates me.

I don’t think you meant to offend anyone, but this attitude towards other people’s relationships is intrusive and condescending. I met my partner when I was just shy of 27 and he is 14 years older than me. We have a great relationship. I’m 31 now, have purchased a house in the Bay Area on my own, have healthy pets, a

I feel like once both people involved are past the age of 30, especially mid 30's, age gap just doesn’t really matter anymore. You are both fully formed adults at this point with a romantic and sexual life already lived.

Wait, what younger women has he been linked to? He was with Jennifer Westfelt for like 15+years and they’re the same age. She’s the only person I can think of him being linked to since he became famous.

He...has not always been linked to younger women. The last woman he was in a serious relationship with, Jennifer Westfeldt, is 47 and he was with her for 18 years. However, that sure looks like a cocktail glass in his hand, and I know he’s supposedly on the wagon...

Huh? Jon Hamm was with Jennifer Westfeldt for 18 years up until a couple of years ago. She’s 47. Who else has he been linked to? Also, I’m 33 and would totally date someone in their mid 40s.

46 and 35 is way less significant of a gap than 36 and 25. (Or 26 and 15, for that matter.)

I saw him interview Corbyn a while back and he was awful- whatever one thinks of Corbyn and his politics (I like them) it was just bloody rude. Rolling his eyes, smirking asking proper stupid questions like the sort designed to catch a five year old out in a lie. V. Unproffesional. Still, him and 99% of the entire

over here we have an affable dad-like presenter who has always been a stalwart of breakfast tv, called eammonn holmes. He now works for sky news uk. One time back when he still worked for ITV and Derren was just starting out as a big name he had him on the morning sofa. He sits there openly mocking Derren in a light

This $40 standalone version of Modern Warfare does not include the “variety map pack” that Activision sells separately for $15, so if you want everything, you’ll have to dish out even more.

Why should child molestation victims put the concerns of the institutions before their own needs for justice? How can you ask someone who has been molested to put aside their trauma and just think of the financial concerns of the institution that did this to them? Appalling.

Funny how all those people seem to be gone now, isn’t it?

Or maybe he’ll tweet about it the same way he tweeted about the 7 Navy soldiers killed today in a collision with a Japanese ship. Namely, <crickets>