Not fucking funny, this bitch wants to kick me out of a country that has been my home for 25 years
Not fucking funny, this bitch wants to kick me out of a country that has been my home for 25 years
“moderate”? No. Those instagrams are everything.
Too late.
It’s not an unpopular opinion. It’s a ridiculous oversimplification.
and a fistful of acclaimed drug films helping secure its place among the major substances of the decade.
Some more info about Greg from Wikipedia -
ARRRRRGH. Well, the slut-shaming is the easiest fulcrum in the world... it still sways an awwwwwwful lot of women in this country, because internalized misogyny is a powerful drug. Combine that with the fact of so many victims being unwilling to revictimize themselves in court (for either a first trial or an appeal),…
Ivanka is FLOTUS. It takes some fucking hubris for a man who has repeatedly been accused of harboring sexual feelings for his daughter to make her his First Lady, but there it is.
It sickens me, but this looks almost identical to the rape trial I was a juror for: 9 women, 3 men, and a piece-of-shit defense attorney who proceeded to try and suggest that yoga pants were “asking for it” for three fucking days.
... and immediately make moar of these awesome, wholesome, family-friendly infomercials! I would stay up all night just to watch one! I would record it on the DVR for offline viewing any time! No wait, I would stay up and watch it *while* it is recording at the same time! And I am absolutely not on PCP while typing…
... and immediately make moar of these awesome, wholesome, family-friendly infomercials! I would stay up all night…
This is nevertheless maybe the first good thing Trump’s managed to do, though I’d like to know more about how much Mattis and Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell (who was born in Cairo) had to do with it. Both also met with Sisi, and Powell accompanied Hijazi home. Trump, for all his Art of the Deal nonsense,…
Can you imagine being in an Egyptian prison and THIS IS THE AMERICA YOU COME BACK TO?! I don’t blame her for being excited to be home, anyone would be and it’s not like she can tell the Trumps to go fuck themselves because who knows...they might just send her straight back if she does.
The First Lady is doing beautiful work.
Another woman he can barely look into their eyes.
Mind blown on the update. (A) He made these comments before a jury of 11 women and 3 men. But today (B) they found him not guilty. I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
I don’t fell any more sorry for her than I do for the people who voted for Trump, despite his obvious and numerous failings as a human being, and are, or will, be regretting it big time.
I think you’d be hard pressed to call Nier “accessible.” The UI and chip system alone are unconventional and deliberately obtuse.
All good points. That last point is where I take the greatest issue with the game, but most of that revolves around me as a gamer. You’re correct that this is not MGR or Bayonetta, but it pretends to be... which... is a deliberate bit of narrative misdirection.
I just want to throw this out there. Not trying to trash Nier Automata (because it’s cool to h8), because I find it engrossing. But I find that Nier Automata has some big issues, and I’m kind of surprised that few people have pointed them out.