I'm pretty sure the other one is Rotary. I used an audio comparison with an RX-8, then I doubled it (to emulate the double-sized displacement of the Mustang Rotary) and it sounded identical.
All I can is I sympathise. The only people who ever say "man up" or "it's the internet" are the people who don't see the private hate mail.
Re: the "Party Line" thing. Story may be apocryphal but.. Lufthansa pilot flying into Frankfurt speaks in German to ATC. ATC responds in English (All ATC use English) and directs Lufthansa pilot to do the same. Lufthansa pilot replies, I'm a German pilot, in a German plane in German airspace. Why must I communicate in…
Get some lotion and a bucket. All are hand drawn with old school tools. no computer assistance involved.
I like how she holds up a soda and a snack to illustrate sodas and snacks as she is saying "sodas and snacks." Just in case we don't know what sodas and snacks are.
GT3: so many cars, so little talent. Hope all involved are OK.
And another wheelchair driver in a Red Bull painted one ahead of him.
I got wood watching that.
except he's totally letting her off with a warning, just jotting down his phone number.
exhaust inspired by the lp2000-2 SVTT
Vauxhaul Astra VXR.
Police cars!!
Yeah this thins smacks of trying too hard ala Venevo.
Is the tag line on that Delta Airlines banner, "Keep Climbing"?