
Having a clean car, I got a fright when I saw a lady sitting in my car only to realise it wasn’t mine because it was dirty

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not everyone likes it I guess you could blame the age of this example

dam u ea games

why didn’t he have a live feed to the camera on the bumper instead of playing rc style from a helicopter

that voice over lady is hot

I want doug to show me its quirks and features

not a real alfa romeo video unless the engine warning light is on warning you the engine is on for a change

did the car survive?

I guess even goodwood knows what clickbait is

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Don’t use on pc or xbox one with a wheel use a controller or don’t buy it

isps do that to stop the pipes from being overloaded Tesla does it to make more money

I hope they keep analogue gauges but they look digital like a cheap tablet lame

its terrible and the ships still fly like shit

can you still get into the gta 5

your three wheeler makes me happy!

someone should buy it for $4000 and do a burnout down there street

I think there trying to disguise  the sound but its a supercharged v8

don’t hurt Kirsten lee because I’m in internet love with her

grounded to the ground