
I have had enough of robbie and jess already but im biased to nick and jess. The only problem with their(nick and jess) relationship before was that the show focused solely on their romance and forgot the other characters.

I'm fairly introverted and awkward myself. I actually find her quite charming in interviews - as the "showy extrovert" types sometimes put me off. I absolutely love her in interviews with Jake Johnson. I feel as if they really respect and like each other professionally so she relaxes a lot and opens up. She has been

This finale wasn't my favorite. I think I am a romantic at heart and really want Nick and Jess together no matter how the ratings or comedy suffers. When Nick went in for the kiss I stopped breathing for a second hoping they might try it again but no Jess pushed him away. I just don't believe that they cant make it

This actually makes sense to me. He is upset by the breakup so as we've seen before he gets depressed, really weird and immature. People who may seem grown up sometimes can regress at others. Humans are works in progress =).

This episode had humorous bits in it. I laughed mostly at coach and winston. But my romantic heart belongs to Nick and Jess. My favorite part of the episode is when they danced at the end and i will continue to wish for those moments.

This episode was truly upsetting lol. Ugh I am still so upset about it. They are destroying the nick and jess relationshjp— which has always been my favorite. Even before they thought about being anything more than friends I wanted them together. I can definitely understand getting in a fight when you are hungover