Mr. Spock

Interesting that you didn’t write even one word about how that brief contact was more than enough time for Belichick to release his spores into James’ lungs. The gestation of the spores is only a few weeks, so come playoff time I expect LeBron’s DNA to be 50% Belichick. Not sure what that means for the Cavs just

Belichick returned the compliment with three grunts, a snort, and a sort of low guttural hum

Okay, but NOT TWITTER.

How the fuck were we dumb enough to pick W over Kerry? Jesus.

A corollary to this would be, don’t watch 24-hour news networks or nightly news shows at all, ever. I stopped watching CNN and MSNBC and even Bloomberg, and I couldn’t be more at peace. I still know what awful things are going on, just by reading a variety of news sources online and in print (as I’ve said before, the

Think of how great it would be if sports teams had to take on the function of their name. Texas Rangers, Minnesota Vikings, Seattle Mariners...

Don’t give him such a hard time, you only #YOLO once.

I would be way more likely to sign up for CBS All Access for HD DS9 alone than for Discovery.

Terry Farrell is my girl crush. She looked great in red.

Trotting out the military as props is like Politics 101. Their families are inherently sympathetic, and Soldiers get virtually no say in what they are told to do (if someone tells them to go stand next to the President and have him pin on an award, thats what they do). Plus politicians can funnel all sorts of money

this made me LOL out loud

I’ll have you know Embiid tweets his ASS off in May and June.

The real story is Adam Schefter scooping Woj.

What do the Warriors do without Durant:

“House, is there a Ewing Theory possib-”

I think you’ve got to rebuild. This year is obviously lost, so you’ve got to think about 2018. Curry isn’t fitting in with Durant. Might I suggest a straight up Curry for Carmelo Anthony trade in the offseason?

Because they don’t want to say or do the wrong thing and then get this guy’s case thrown out on a technicality. Look, some things take some time to do right and investigating and charging people with murder and/or hate crimes is one of those things. Despite what our illustrious president would have you think,

These are radical Christian terrorists and President trump won’t even mention the word. He won’t use the term ‘radical christian terrorism’. Now, to solve a problem, you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least say the name. President trump won’t say the name. But the name is there. It’s radical

He just means his reaction. He’s saying he would have helped anybody in a similar situation.

I know it makes me a shallow person, but I see that fucking red hat on his desk and I just want to smack him one.