Mr. Spock

There are many legitimate arguments for the electoral college. The main one being that without it, politicians wouldn’t bother to visit any state that isn’t Texas, California, New York, and the few other densely populated states. That and the idea that less populated states still have different and valid concerns due

Trump didn’t lose by 3 million voters because the popular vote isn’t a metric to count who won or lost an election. He won by 74 electoral college votes. Literally every piece of information we’ve heard says that our actual ballots are secure and haven’t been manipulated. People may have changed their mind based on

I am not a Trump fan, nor did I vote for him, but his government is not illegitimate. If you win the election and you haven’t cheated (manipulated actual ballots) you won fair and square. Saying the government is illegitimate only weakens all the correct things you say after.

“Ted Cruz is the greatest ringball player of all time. Period.”

Cruz is THAT guy that yells “and 1" at the top of his lungs EVERY time he shoots -before the shot has even left his hands.

We’re done here.

Sent to me by Sean Spicer.

I said public office you dimwit. That could mean anything from president to congress to city council. I can tell you that I was more certainly not referring to him running for the presidency.

I don’t know about you guys, but I couldn’t wait to get tediously lectured through the TV by the author of Tuesdays with Morrie every Sunday morning.

Say what you will about BvS, I certainly don’t think Ben Affleck earned that nomination for worst actor.

On a serious note, the more sports people who talk about Spicer and the administration’s lying (let’s call it what it is, lamestream media), the less it can be ignored and explained away by Trump’s base.

What’s more important, making Roger unhappy or making Trump unhappy? I’m choosing the latter - GO FALCONS

“There were no ‘Where is Roger’ chants during the Steelers dominating victory last night, period.” #SpicerFacts

I’ll start the flu takes-

This is absolutely horrible. Gutted. He will be truly missed.

I kind of love that WaPo is now just flat-out saying that Trump is lying:

Quite a crowd from this angle too.

I was literally yelling at my TV.

I mean, he has a point. In this shot it does look pretty crowded.