
If sweat is pooling up, or even beading up, on your forehead it's not evaporating at an optimal rate. For quickest cooling you want only a thin film, always on the verge of being dry. This can often be aided by wiping.

No, that would be a trademark.

Braking one wheel while preventing it from turning would make it stop.

Little-known fact: the past participle of the verb "to hammer-time" is "hammer-tame".

"Nike believes that life is a sport, every human is an athlete and everything you do should be measured"

450 C; not F. Don't believe what you read in books.

you've got an interesting melange of Celsius and Fahrenheit going on there

DNA molecule is backwards.

Contract Killers should probably be listed as " 'free' ", not "free". It's the kind of "game" that's designed to get you to make in-game purchases rather than be particularly fun.

My bus commute is pretty miserable and I'm looking for alternatives. Does anyone know where to find statistics for fatalities per non-highway mile for cars, bikes, and motorbikes? I'm trying to decide if the latter is something I'm willing to undertake and want real and relevant numbers.

That's "sum" as in total price, not the result of addition. Like "I will pay you a princely sum for a bite of your sandwich".

@Kolma: Or you could just chill a bit and reflect on why you think a small trade off in viewing quality for convenience in recording is really worth the kind of inner turmoil that would lead you to violence.

"Walking with Michelle" is one of my favorites. Each episode is like an audio tour of some local attraction with Michelle Biloon and a guest comedian, often from the Comedy Death Ray/UCBLA crowd.

@yphsilon: This true statement is completely irrelevant to the argument being made.

@Edd White: He probably got it in grade-school geometry class. That's where I did.

@Almightywhacko: They're all locked into walled gardens, they're all exhibiting monopolistic tendencies, and Google thinks they can profit off of providing a similar service cheaper. Google doesn't go into a business area out of spite.

@Almightywhacko: When there's only a single provider of a service it almost always operates far from the supply/demand optimum. That means that the products/services cost more than they need to and there's an open market for someone else to provide the same service for cheaper and still make a profit.

@TheJaz: Thank you for pointing that out. Otherwise, I might not have noticed, and been all, "Hey, come here and check out these amazingly sharp and well-exposed, expertly-framed pictures," and I would've had egg all over my face. Now I know better.

Does anyone know when this will actually be installed at LACMA? I'm itching to go see it.

I think it's a little strange that the government is more concerned about The possibility that Comcast will withhold NBC content from competing internet providers instead of Comcast withholding content distributed by competing content providers.