
Probably hitting too close to home.

Nice surprise to wake up to.
I'm glad there are still reasons to see a new sunrise.

Don't they already have a death camp for immigrants set up in another country?

"Well I wasn't going to vote Trump, but since a foreigner doesn't want him elected I guess I will vote for him."
What someone that was already voting for Trump would say.

*swishes around in mouth*

Hollywood has already made enough crap sequels and reboots to his movies, glad to see him back.

So what's the over/under of Dan surviving to film this?

It's a sequel to Corey in the House.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Trump.

They just wanted to put his face on a character holding a phallic object.
With his tiny hands.

I can't escape Trump on the news and now I can't escape him in my pop-culture escapism.

This was the first time in awhile I've watched, and Bamford was the only reason haha.

I've had this for over a year and still haven't played it. I like the idea of point and click adventures but I can never get into them.

I think Danganropa came out first though.

She seemed like the only funny one on tonight.

You can delete it now.

Either a booger or a tonsil stone. It danced around his lips during a debate before he ate it.

I was afraid this was the booger eating gif. Thank god it's just the one where his daughter hates him.

He was good in Neon Joe, Werewolf Hunter.

Tweet it to her and maybe you'll get the AV club in the news.