
@ThistleDog: How risque can it be if the place you're buying them at has a self checkout? lol

@Fareed Cheema: They need to put a limit on the register to where it can't ring up more than 5 things no matter what.

@Cabs21: They should have a 5 items or less register. If someone has more then the cashier can tell them to get into the regular line.

@ThistleDog: They probably have a problem with thet on that particular item. Was it pregnancy tests? Those are usually stolen at grocery stores. At least the one I used to work at.

@brijazz: You give some humans too much credit.

I always get the "ERROR: Please have cashier help you." message.

@snitch: Do you think they care? As long as they sell the product it doesn't matter if there are enough for everyone. It actually makes them more money as quick as possible. Remember all those lunatics that would call Best Buy every day for Wii's? They would only get like 5 a week. It kept the hype going for a long

@AgentSmithAndWesson: Im going to have to stick with it. I have so much music because of Zunepass that I'm not willing to sacrifice.

I like breaking into the vending machine because it makes me feel like I caught the live crab fair and square.

@Jogfrog: Thank you thats what I was thinking.

@rmason3822: No. They didn't buy all of Alltel. They still operate under their own company in those states.

@blyan is not on fire: For people that go out into the boonies and outer edges of town it sucks. I don't even have EDGE in some place.

@tomsomething: Ohhh I get it. Sarah Palin is really the number 2.5. Which implies she likes Two and a Half Men. Or am I lost?

@synthqueen: Veracruz is awesome and they are friendly. Never been to Mexico City.

@synthqueen: What part of Mexico? My parents are first generation mexican immigrants and my mom will tear me a new one even now that I'm 22 if I walk in front of a girl, don't open a door for a stranger, don't open a car door for a girl, say yes mam/no sire, etc... Some of that is normal in Texas though.