
They should've given her a tissue when she was in the confessional crying her brains out and her makeup ran down her neck. :( Poor girl.

The reception at my house sucking fucks. I live in a little bubble where there magically isn't any signal.

@Raziel66: It's like you didn't even read the article and making up shit.

@DeccaLeChat: I swear thats what I thought. She looked like she was blening in with the dress.

Avada Kedavra, indeed.

@Shamoononon: lmao. I did the same thing! I was like "nooooo." Then I was like..."oh."

@oyumurtaci: Slappem' till your palms bleed.

@FactorySettings: What the heck. I thought there was a 5GB cap all this time. @_@

@James: I still have an "unlimited data" plan. Its unliiiimited, until I hit the limit.

@gijenny01: The iphone 4's life is already a little more than halfway done. Wait 6 more months to get an awesome new phone you'll be proud to have until summer 2012. If you hate your phone and can't wait, the iphone 4 is fine.

@White-Sharingan: For some reason I think of Wet Slut Juice. Don't ask why.

@Ginger Gal: I get what she's trying to say but she's actually as retarded as him. You really can't expect things like that to be kept secret. Just the other day at Denny's this waiter showed me a collection of penises on her phone that she'd gotten guys she was dating to text her. It's not just women that are victims

@SlayBelle: Even if you aren't famous. You really shouldn't. It's never a good idea. EVER.

@Ginger Gal: When you're in the public image you should really think about letting someone take pictures and video of your naked body. If you don't want them haunting you for the rest of your life then don't do it. Same thing goes for the unfamous too... You really can't trust anybody. Male or Female.