
School policies like this are so retarded. It gives me a headache.

@vinod1978: You lost me at "It has an operating system designed from the ground up."

@rollsnideroll: They're nothing but userz, boozerz, and two time lozers.

@howdini: I think you mean BIEBTRAYED.

I didn't know Selena Gomez had a knob head. Much less did I know that her knob head was disgusting.

@Snowbunny: Actually, he said a Waverunner. lol Technically, not proven wrong.

@SJRNWT: Maybe they only look at repeat offenders. Like..."This asshole didn't turn on his turning signal! FUCK HIM!" or "This dickwad stupid cocksucking motherfucking twathole bloody beef curtain didn't signal and almost ran me off the road. FUCK HIM!"

@Skunky: He bribes them with iphones and ipads...and uh... other stuff when he gets pulled over.

How does this article have the words "Teen Riot" and "Mall" but not have the words "Justin" and "Bieber"? I'm confuzzled.

@mtfmuffins: It does roll off the tongue a bit better.

@113Doctor: Theres gotta be somewhere in TX to learn. *googles stuff*

The tomboy double standard.

This is for "tobacco" obviously.

I am KitTron, I fight for the Kittehs.