
If only he got a dime every time someone whored his YO DAWG meme. He'd be sooooooo fuckin' rich. If only...

@The Sentient Meat: Make sure you get the litter box or things could get messy.

@deeleigh: I could see if he did it to steal credit card numbers or other personal information. But putting him in jail over finding out you had an affair? This woman was stupid and should've deleted the messages if she didn't want to get caught.

@RaindropBebop: Kind of defeats the purpose of Twitter imo. :) There's gotta be ONE prson you don't know.

We need to build a wall to keep these aliens out of Mexico. They are going to steal der jobs!

I'm trying to forget.

If you see anything like this, dont turn it!

@RenRen: It's only been 49,000 years. The nerve of some people.

@Stagmag: The tiny men are common even in mexico.

Last.FM app?

@imaeffinginger: Right now they make fun. Later they go out and eat our delicious Mexican food. By Mexican food I mean Taco Bell.

This reminds me that the human race moves so slow in bettering the world. How we've gone through slavery, segregation, holocausts, genocides, and everything in between and have learned so much yet we continue to be so ignorant. It is embarrassing to this country as it leaves bigger stains in U.S. history books the