
It’s only upsetting because it makes you worry that Trump already did it 35 minutes ago.

Idk though if this sort of debate is all that relevant tho- “let’s see which version of shitty sexism isn’t less shitty.” Sexism is the primary issue- and if you don’t directly confront it you either end up with a sexist society, whether it aligns with Puritan values or sexually liberated ones.

I grew up in the very white area, and there were so many times I was unsure if white people reacting differently than me to something meant I was weird or the white people were just racist.

Didn’t Obsidian already announce their new project will be loot box free or something? I think that counts as advertising.

They re-used the ‘cookie’ concept a lot, but honestly I don’t think it matters because they’ve used it each time as a spring board to explore different, albeit related topics. The Christmas Special basically used it as plot device, San Junipero used it to think about immortality, and USS Callister is a look at

I’m impressed she hasn’t suffered more serious injuries. My brother, for instance, has Hereditary Sensory Autonomous Neuropathy Type 2 (population consist of him and a family of Canadians, results in a lack of sensation in his legs and arms) and uses a wheelchair after breaking his legs as a child and not realizing

They do understand that Japan does, in fact, have its own live-action adaptions of manga and anime and that Japanese directors have never felt it necessary to do a 1:1 recreation of the eyes, right?

Lol, ever since I started seriously studying the language I’ve been sticking up for the people translating artistic work. Localizers never get enough respect for the amount of effort and ingenuity they put in.

Boss is less annoying to hear all the time, the translators probably thought it didn’t have the same familial connotation as ‘ani’ does- ‘rex-rex’ was likely supposed to be endearing.

What’s so frustrating too is that white people literally cannot save themselves- they killed welfare, started a war on drugs, and elected a rotten orange to the presidency all on their own. A ‘working-class white’ movement would enshrine the same racist programs that end up also hurting said working class whites in

Sounds to me like the developer should have taken the Fez approach to game design- strip away everything that didn’t contribute to the overall premise of sneaking around and outsmarting the neighbor.

For people curious about why so much localization occurs, here’s some insight from someone who’s studied Japanese in high school and college for the past seven years.

In fairness connotation isn’t properly captured in a direct translation from Japanese. For instance, Tim notes that the English version is sometimes ‘punchier,’ but that might only be true if you’re comparing a direct translation with a localization. Japanese norms value polite indirectness more than American norms

I considered it (it’s why I said ‘as far as I am aware’ when talking about Fenty), but it’s Rihanna’s answer that made me more skeptical. She says she’s worked with Trans women over the years- but then adds that she doesn’t do trans casting. She didn’t need to add that. She could have just said Fenty actually does

The goal should definelty be that trans models are able to just show up to castings and be judged as individuals, not collected as tokens- but that puts a lot of pressure on the individual model, and the sentiment isn’t helpful unless there are explicit steps to address this. Just saying that the doors are open is not

So... they’re both inspired by Zelda.

Not all heroes wear capes...

Fair point- that said, I feel like you can always got to be prepared for people to try and play the model minority card- e.g. “Latinx doctors don’t complain about it, why should you?”

Interesting too is that Romero’s first zombie movie actually had the humans winning- in that, literally, white militias banded together to kill all the zombies and ‘save’ their country, and, in the process, killing the black protagonist. Curious that zombie fiction nowadays is apocalyptic- seems like it might directly