
Pedro Pascal was the college kid who gets turned in the first college episode!

This movie looks so good! If anyone knows more than me tell me, but I couldn’t think of another horror film that explicitly centers around race from the perspective of people of color. (Far too many horror films have the subtext of being about white people’s racial fears). It’s brilliant and it seems so obvious in

I always remember The Wire: people can and will juke the stars whenever they have to improve them. It’s the problem with trying to drive public policy on big data: Everyone benefits when schools cheat, with the sole exception of the kids, the people with the least capabilities to stop the cheating. The teacher wants

I was skeptical until I read the actual article, saw what you meant by “great.” Captures him perfectly. Ali won’t be remembered as a historical figure- he’ll be a legend like Hercules.

From what I recall, Smith has been one of the few consistently sane journalists at Fox. When it comes to tv news sensationalism, he’s honestly better than some people at CNN or MSNBC. It’s not that significant he’s speaking out about it, his show is the hour when the stopped clock that is Fox News is right.

I agree with you, the issue is for me is that the eyes of the law, the child’s life and welfare only matter half the time

This is not in any way defending abuse, but tbf, how you gonna arrest a man for spanking his child when you’ll let a police officer who shoots a child go free?

The thing that always drives me crazy is the folks who try and make a claim that symbols like a confederate flag or a statue of Lee aren’t a big deal, and therefore shouldn’t generate outrage. Like, if these symbols weren’t a big deal, WHY ARE YOU MAKING STATUES AND MONUMENTS DISPLAYING THEM? If you think Calhoun was

Idk about calling the series ‘questionably necessary.” (I’m saying this as someone excited for the series). Did Dear White People have a ‘point’ that has now been fulfilled? I always saw it as an exploration of how people of color (specifically black) who find themselves in some way separated from their PoC community

“Being right does not make it any less of a tragedy that two people are dead and I was the cause of their deaths,” he said. “I will have to live with that for the rest of my life.”

Also, I know this is besides the point, but aren’t Migos from a Georgia suburb or something? Like how are they gonna try and question someone’s authenticity as a rapper?

Oh, you would never want to FEEL like you were being racist? I’m so sorry you if you FEEL like you’re being racist. Ugh.

Maybe their long term plan is just to import all the Netflix villains.

The rise of school choice is a testament to how creative racists are about acting racist while mainting plausibly deniability. Evidence was clear as day in 1954- separate schools will never be equal.

As much as I want to believe this sort of research will make an impact, I’m starting to suspect nothing less than a proclamation of God would be able to overcome white people’s capacity for self delusion. And maybe not even that- people would probably say something like ‘God really shouldn’t be weighing in on

I went to a city high school that was about 60% white 30% black/Somali (And me the one Asian guy). This program called Project Success would have workshops in English classes once a month at the city school’s and i’ll always remember the one time we did an excercise about how important going to college was to us. This

Real talk though: alternate facts are not new. The country was founded by men who declared ‘all men are created equal’ while holding whips in their hands. Believing in an alternate reality is the great white American pastime. 

I don’t trust it- this is clearly a reverse psychology trick to lure Kappas into a trap

So what are the odds the “inappropriate gestures” the principal is talking about is gonna end up being the nazi salute AND the black power fist? You know there’s gonna be white tears- ‘why are they allowed to express resilience and solidarity but we can’t degrade them and reference mass murders?’

The extent to which the white-constructed ego goes to protect itself is both remarkable and profoundly pathetic. I grew up in a very white neighborhood, but it’s only now, returning to it occasionally after being in college, that I can really see the full lengths white people will go to preserve their belief that