
I think I must be in a vanishing minority that absolutely detested "Doctor's Wife". But even I cannot deny that the very first episode, "Eleventh Hour", was utterly charming.

As I said to Persia below, what I'm confused about is calling this "gross" (and specifically, "more gross" than body-shaming). At worst, it seems to me a bit clueless but not particularly harmful (and certainly not worse than teaching a child to hate certain types of bodies).

Definitely, but my confusion here is that LeaveTheBronx called it "gross". To me, "gross" applied to a social move implies some kind of moral repugnance, which I am not seeing in the mere act of "saying something that a child doesn't care about or understand". Would appreciate some clarification on that!

I don't see how it's any different from commenting on the weather or griping about how much worse your commute is compared to your last job. It seems that you consider such comments to be about negatively manipulating the listener's emotions, which may not be the case in all situations.

It's "even more gross" to express to a child that you are wistful about the days when you didn't have a food allergy? I mean, I can see "just don't say that out of context, kid'll get the wrong idea, it has an equally deleterious effect as actually inculcating body-shaming ideas", but how is it "even more" harmful?

I do have to say, for some people, "I wish I could still eat like that" isn't about some kind of internalized body-shaming or whatever, it's literally "I cannot eat this food any longer without experiencing physical discomfort and/or illness" due to having grown into fun things like new allergies, sensitivities,

Tang shi he de, keshi geng shi chi de ba? I'm not sure. We never really had geng often enough to really talk about he ta or chi ta or whatever. But you definitely chi xifan and (babao)zhou.

See, that's why I liked the action scenes in — of all things — A:tLA, despite usually zoning out during action scenes. Bending was all about 1) movement and 2) creative use of one's environment…. which, come to think of it, also characterizes this kind of action-comedy as well, just one tends to let the blood flow

Maybe they were in fact going to donate the hair? Though apparently a lot of those organizations end up selling or throwing away the hair donations they receive because they don't have the ability to handle that much…

Love how this comments section is full-on hate-on dancing on a female character's grave for the crime of wanting to protect her friend from the emotional consequences of falling in with a group of assholes who did, in fact, end up betraying and humiliating said friend.

Maybe it works if you watched a shitton of 80s movies and got utterly steeped in that trope, but the screentime given to each of those characters, and the narrative focus in general, made it pretty damn clear from the beginning that if one of them were to die it wouldn't be Nancy.

I already enjoy slicing up normal strawberries for consumption, slicing up a giant strawberry is an mouthwateringly alluring novelty.

And some people are physically incapable of growing beards.

Well, I wouldn't quite say "harmless". Physically harmless, yes, and almost certainly more merciful than the usual alternatives, but the mental/emotional/social consequences of losing possibly thousands of years at a go and becoming misaligned from the rest of the world as you know it are definitely there.

I could do with a bottomless bag of marshmallows tbh

I dunno, I think the comparison is pretty damn avoidable. A targeted assassination of a war leader is emphatically nothing like killing hundreds of thousands of civilians and poisoning the land and any survivors for decades to come.


I don't think it was saying that RQ shattered PD *with* the sword. She had been a rebel for long enough prior to the shattering that she'd probably been well known as "that rebel Quartz with the big sword" or something. Heck, she might even have poofed PD with the sword before shattering her in some other way (which

Oh, I hadn't considered that they actually did try — I just thought she went along for the ride from the beginning because she knew she was too tired. But who am I kidding? This is Amethyst. She *totally* tried.

I could have sworn at least two different Rubies were using their gems as flashlights… no? Imagined it?