
I thought it was kind of amusing because I have seen those kinds of "fights" happen before… albeit not *physical* brawls, but just friends or close acquaintances who are both venting insecurities like WTF DO YOU MEAN, YOU ARE SO CREATIVE AND I CAN'T EVEN FINISH ONE TINY FANFIC and NO I'M NOT I'M JUST COPYING BETTER

As someone who doesn't have to write about it and can just watch it, every weeknight is fine with me. Of course it must end someday, but in the meantime, am enjoying the flow of story.

Yeah, I was just thinking — that was perfectly in-character for Connie, what are you even talking about.

"Ruby rush" is so much more euphonious!

What, are you kidding me? This was a fantastic episode. It wasn't a super ambitious, epic, heartwrenching thing, but it wasn't meant to be — and for what it *did* mean to be, this episode hit it out of the park.

Geologist Discovers New Quartz Variety, Names It "Steven"

One can do some pretty heinous things in the course of "just doing [one's] job", regardless of whether they were done out of apathy, cruelty, or even misguided dutifulness.

Yeah, I'd say the "human names" were mostly picked just for their similar sounds. (Many gem names are of course also used as human names in English, but obviously they wanted to avoid any association with gemness while under disguise!)

I don't think not-believing in a place necessarily = hating it. For instance, a jaded person shaking their head at someone else's misplaced idealism doesn't necessarily hate the other person's ideals — they might just think that the other person is naive or misguided about the probability of achieving those ideals.

It's referring to New Jersey, a neighboring state to the state of New York. There is a national joke about New Jersey being awful and smelly and so forth, which as far as I am aware has absolutely nothing to do with "environmental" concerns — just "lol Jersey".

Well, from what we've seen of the Rubies, they seem to have some fire powers. Does that count?

I loved that coat with the gold disc and that is literally the thing that is making me post a comment for the first time (I thought it was just a shirt, but I'm terrible at these things so).