
“If he truly abused her, she should have nothing to fear.”

ok but can we speculate on whether or not she bathes in the blood of virgins or is an actual vampire because girlfriend does not age???

I’m not sure she should tell the daughter. I’m more inclined she should talk to her sister about it.

Is it, though? Because for most of the English-speaking world it’s always been the feminine of ‘boys’.

I, uh... I made eggs. And the absolute easiest kind, too, scrambled.

Actually that photo was from a vanity fair photo shoot with the “Titans of Late Night Television”. Samantha Bee was left off and she tweeted herself photoshopped a centaur over them because she was missing from the original photo. Even though she was the longest running Daily Show Correspondent, and had her own late

Truly. When the primary season’s shit show went into effect, everyone was like, “COME BACK, JON STEWART! ONLY YOU CAN SAVE US!”

She’s my celebrity crush. Can’t help it!

Sam Bee: greatest human being, or greatest human being ever?

She is my savior. I mean that literally, too. I would go insane without her covering this election.

Sam Bee is a goddess.


....Where was your uterus before?

Berniebro now supporting Hillary reporting in.

I cried.

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.


this was delightful and anyone that disagrees is grossly wrong and should never speak to me again