
The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater began in 1958 in New York City, New York as a repertory company of seven African American dancers performing both Ailey’s work and also classic modern pieces. They were soon acknowledged as the preeminent dance company articulating African American themes. By 1970 the Ailey

I did, too! I’m really disappointed with myself

So, that makes it OK because they’re the majority? It doesn’t. Don’t date those guys. Maybe it’ll teach em

Yeah. Ok. I see your point.

Interesting. thank you for this!

A whole group of us have just explained it to you. Try reading the thread again. Also, you say men shave their beards because if they didn’t, they’d look like Moses. That is still a cultural standard. It’s the same thing as why we do our legs. It’s not different

Maybe. But I like to support whatever it is that people choose for themselves. I think you’re super cool if you leave your body hair or not. Also, you can’t totally discount traditional standards of beauty. They exist in every culture and throughout time.

Men do. We have a lot of men who come in for bikini and brazilian waxes. It’s just not talked about as much. But believe me, they are doing it.

Truth. I’m a professional bikini waxer, have been for 10 years. Nothing grates on me more than a woman says, “why would you want all the hair gone? I don’t want to look like a 12 year old” Ugh. Ladies. You are grown-ass women. Not having pubic hair does not take away from you being and looking like a grown-ass woman.

I had one of those once. I was 18 and a senior in HS and didn’t tell anyone for a long time because my butt heart and it was embarrassing. Had it drained and everything. Really rough times. Love to you

It’s surprising to me this is a comment on Jezbel.

Yeah. about there myself

Biggest laugh of the day. thanks for that :)

it was the 90's!

Oh, she definitely has a new face. It’s cool. If that’s what Britney needs, get your new face, girl.

EEEK! Remember; we need Elizabeth Warren to stay in the senate to counter all those crazies. VP is not an effective place for her, or really anyone. Of course, She could do itand be amazing at it, but we need her to stay put. And she knows it

You guys!!! I’ve seen him!! He was amazing. Like, really really good.

I don’t think so. Amber was with women before Johnny, it wouldn’t have been a surprise to him if she was bisexual.

I hadn’t thought about that. Uncensored Michelle.....YES. 1,000 times yes. Definitely makes me feel better!

Oh what? get outta town. Having a college degree is absolutely not a determining factor of whether or now someone is intelligent enough to have a talk show. What a bunch of hogwash.