
Well now I can never go to Pikes Peak, because if I saw someone CHEERING for a crash like the second video I would undoubtedly be going to prison for murder. What a bunch of fucking redneck ass holes. That guy could have fucking died or had a life altering...fuckin...*deep breaths*

It’s a damn shame that this is the world we live in, and I wish it were different. I don’t believe, however, that affirmative action is a good solution. People will resist anything you try to force them to do, even if it’s the right thing. I’m afraid that it will only make things worse. Trump being elected as a

Yeah, around here (U.S.) I see a lot of regulations that just feel like protectionism and the only really act to keep new players out.

You talk of tongue lashings, but at no point did you actually refute his original point. Companies aren’t refusing to hire women in technical positions, there just aren’t as many women applying as men. Engineering is a great example. The engineers in my company are overwhelmingly white men. But if you look at most

Alright, I can agree that people are running Uber like a business, but I don’t agree that it warrants the extent of regulation that we have for taxis.

Yeah, because the government had no hand in the fall of Detroit! Right guys!?

Is it dishonest though? Uber was originally intended to be a ridesharing app, not a taxi business. “Hey, we’re both going to the same place, how about you drive me and I pay you for your trouble?” What is the practical difference between that and current Uber that warrants extra regulation?

You say you are not capable of being a bus driver. Do you really think you wouldn’t be capable of being a cab driver with your personal car? Being an adequate cab driver is super simple if you simply know how to drive and use a GPS. It’s not the same as driving a bus.

So if I want to give someone a ride to the airport, you think I need a commercial license, a background check, and a safety inspection? That seems excessive...

Are you saying there’s some statistical evidence that the left side of a car is more likely to be crushed than the right side, regardless of which side the driver is on and controlling for different driving cultures?

I was scolded when I was first learning to drive because I was doing this. Of course the guy was an old stubborn ass, so I pretty much ignored him. As I learned more and more about cars I learned more and more that he was full of shit. He proved to me that you can know how to restore a car without really knowing

Lol greater number of regulations means less regulated. Okay, bud. Have a good day.

I have chosen not to register my firearms with any government agencies, so no.
Cars have many purposes, just like guns. I shoot hundreds of rounds per month and never killed anyone, am I doing shooting wrong?
I answered your questions, are you going to answer mine?

This is done in all kinds of industries.
Customer: Hey, I’ll give you 100 dollars to do this thing.
Worker: Okay. *does thing*
Customer gives worker 100 dollars, everyone’s happy. Not every industry works on an hourly rate. I put in overtime every single week at my job and my pay doesn’t reflect this. But that’s what

This is the problem even with “supercharging” that will continue to be a problem for a long time. A fuel stop is quick enough that you can stand next to your car while it’s fueling, and then drive away when it’s full. So a single fueling pump can serve over a hundred cars in a day if the station is busy, because

I’d agree with that. There are natural rights that the government chooses to restrict. So it’s a right that is treated like a privilege.

There is only a license plate on your car if you CHOOSE to put it there.
Do I have to have a background check to purchase a car?
Do I have to have a clean record to physically TOUCH a car?
Am I not allowed to bring my car to hospitals, public schools, and federal property (post office)?
Does my car need to be unloaded,

100% different. I don’t need a press pass to write about the president, I need a press pass to enter the White House. Publishing is a right, access to a specific government building is a privilege.

There were NO gun control laws before the 1930s,’re wrong.

That’s cute and all, but an unlicensed person can’t use public roads. Maybe it SHOULD be a right, and maybe various cases have STATED that it’s a right, but it just isn’t right now.