I hit play and then read your comment. My brain was all like “sail?” and then I put my headphones on and my ears were all “yep” and then I was angry.
I hit play and then read your comment. My brain was all like “sail?” and then I put my headphones on and my ears were all “yep” and then I was angry.
But there’s a specific law against speeding. The funny thing about this story is that he didn’t break any specific laws (it appears), but he did something really weird. He failed to comply to our societal norms. You can’t prosecute him for reckless driving on a motorway since he never touched the road, you can’t…
Go for it.
It’s a good thing he drives them to work, then...
Blocking sidewalks is not okay. But if he wants to park a garbage truck in his driveway and it wasn’t blocking traffic, that’s his business. That’s how property works. If you don’t like it, don’t effing look at it. It’s that simple.
Tobacco users are drug addicts. So you’re saying we should take money from drug addicts. Also, tobacco taxes are super regressive due to tobacco being used primarily by lower income and minority peoples.
Let me preface this by saying that I am NOT a Trump supporter. You can disregard the below message as the ramblings of a crazy right winger, or you can read it and actually step back and try to appeal to a broader audience (and get MORE CLICKS in the process).
I love that some people react to your comment as if it would be any less valid if the company were only worth 70 million dollars. The point is: taxi driver implies that he could run a company better than the guy that actually built the company.
What does that even mean? Please enlighten me as to the point of your comment. He’s 100% correct. My 2008 Ford Escape makes 200 horsepower, and it still has trouble getting to speed on on-ramps when towing/hauling any kind of moderate load. And that’s a small SUV towing relatively small loads. Maybe limiting cars…
If you want to tow or haul anything on U.S. freeways, yes, 200 is rather low.
Hey everybody! A bad thing happened! We need more laws!
Bad things will ALWAYS happen, for the rest of time. You pass that law, and a 31 year old will do the same thing and people will scream for the age to be raised. Then it will happen again and people will ask for overall HP restrictions. Someone will mod their…
That 40% goes straight into the CEO’s pockets. You’ve forgotten that corporations don’t pay taxes. Also, their recruiting, training, and and labor costs are probably near zero. That’s the advantage of using a slave wage labor force; the only time they have to recruit is when one of their “employees” is killed or…
You make it sound like they’re the devil for increasing income and reducing risk and cost. That’s literally what every f***ing organism does, yourself included.
What? America doesn’t need Germany’s military support, but they need ours. They’re not interested in kicking us out. If anything, we should be charging them for the support...
Bull. Every driver and rider is responsible for being in control of his/her vehicle. If you’re going to put your bike/vehicle in the air, you’d either be damn sure the landing is clear, or you need a spotter.
The intelligence community have themselves acknowledged their own shortcomings.
First: I didn’t realize she was only eight. :/ Tragic.
First: I didn’t realize she was only eight. :/ Tragic.
Don’t sweat it. You’ve made a personal choice that best works for you and your family in the area you live, taking your lifestyle into consideration. These half-wit pricks have certain values and have made certain choices, and they’re just upset because someone chose a different path. They want everyone to conform to…
You’re trolling me, right?